we are using cloudera manager of cdh5.12.0 and Hue™ 4.0 . you know you can see and export impala query history from cloudera manager --> hue service--> queries but after one week it is not as comprehensive as all queries had been run and it has query's statement as well as lots of informations like session id that I do not need. another way of seeing impala query history is Hue UI. it is so comprehensive and my requirement is this history (you can see that it is 25 pages in the below image

so surely there is a location/database to save this comprehensive history but I can not find that. it does not exist in mysql DB --> hue database --> beeswax_queryhistory table. is there anybody who can help me to export Impala Query in Hue History? where does hue save this history?
(I asked this question in stackoverflow but nobody answered me)