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Failed to create multiple row level filters in Ranger for user in different groups

New Contributor

Hi everyone,

I've been exploring Ranger for access control with Trino and while doing some tests I found out, that for one of the use cases I need, an user could be in multiple groups. Each of the groups would have a custom row level filter in the same table. 

Example of row level filters:

Select Group = Group_UK, Access Type = Select, Row Level Filter = (country = 'UK')

Select Group = Group_DE, Access Type = Select, Row Level Filter = (country = 'DE')

If I have a row level policy defined as shown in the example and my user is in both of this groups I will only be able to see the data with the row level filter (country = 'UK'). All other filters coming after the first one won't work for any of the users that are in multiple groups.

Is there a way to enable this functionality in Ranger? or can I only give one filter to one user per table? e.g. Select User = user_a, Access Type = Select, Row Level Filter = (country in ('UK', 'DE'))


I came up with a workaround to this which is to deduce based on the groups an user is part of the needed filter and create through a script row level filters only for users and update the row level policies with the Rest API in Ranger. 

Example 1:

user_a is in Group_UK and Group_DE

Therefore the following filter will be created:

Select User = user_a, Access Type = Select, Row Level Filter = (country in ('UK', 'DE')) 

Example 2:

user_b is in Group_UK 

Therefore the following filter will be created:

Select User = user_b, Access Type = Select, Row Level Filter = (country in ('UK')) 


Regards and thanks in advance.



Community Manager

@cloudera_user23, Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged in our Ranger @Scharan @Sean464  experts who may be able to assist you further.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query, and we hope that you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
Community Manager

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