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Fetch Hive Table from HCatalog/Hive

Rising Star

What's the horton-recommended way to get Hive data in Java code? Thinking:

  • hcat api
  • jdbc query
  • HDFS call

We're just trying to get Hive data into a data structure in java, like a Collection, and operate on it. Typical Map/Reduce stuff. Specifically this would be used in a Crunch/Cascading setup.




Hi @Landon Robinson, take a look at

If you're writing Java code, the easiest to use is probably the provided JDBC driver.

You can get the current version of the JDBC driver in one of two ways:

1. At /user/hdp/current/hive-client/lib/hive-jdbc.jar on your edge/client node

2. here- you'll need to pick the jar corresponding to your HDP version (Ambari shows this under the Admin->Stacks and Versions->Versions tab, or you can display it on the CLI by typing "hdp-select", which shows the version number of each installed component.

View solution in original post



Hi @Landon Robinson, take a look at

If you're writing Java code, the easiest to use is probably the provided JDBC driver.

You can get the current version of the JDBC driver in one of two ways:

1. At /user/hdp/current/hive-client/lib/hive-jdbc.jar on your edge/client node

2. here- you'll need to pick the jar corresponding to your HDP version (Ambari shows this under the Admin->Stacks and Versions->Versions tab, or you can display it on the CLI by typing "hdp-select", which shows the version number of each installed component.