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Flink Job Manager and Task Manager not communicating


Hello - 


I'm facing a connection issue with my Flink setup. My Flink cluster has 3 nodes with the exact configuration. In that task manager and job manager are not connecting/communicating with each other in a cluster. However, zookeeper was connected/communicating with each other.


When it is configured as standalone setup, everything works however when the high-availability is set to zookeeper, the task manager and job manager does not communicate with each other.


I can confirm the processes task manager and job manager is running however the job manager port 8081 is not begin to listen in 2 of the nodes. One of the node has this port began listening and I can able to view the UI from the browser. I can see 1 task manager which is running in the same node listed under available slots.  


Flink: 1.14.4
Zookeeper: 3.4.14


Appreciate any inputs/help on this.

