Created on 03-25-2019 02:47 PM - edited 09-16-2022 07:15 AM
I need to retrieve only the last entry in a given partition if there are multiple entries therein
Assume I create an external table partitioned by date:
create external table test_lb (field1 string, field2 string, field3 string)
partitioned by (year string, month string , day string, host string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
Then I insert multiple records to same partition. i,e. same year,month,day
insert into test_lb partition (year="2013", month="07", day="28") values ("foo1", "FOO2", "FOO3");
insert into test_lb partition (year="2013", month="07", day="28") values ("foo4", "FOO5", "FOO6");
How do I retrieve just the most recent entry via a query... is there an inbuilt way to get only the latest values
Created 03-25-2019 03:40 PM
Created 03-25-2019 03:40 PM
Created 03-25-2019 07:03 PM