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HBASE/FALCON replication

Rising Star

I am trying to setup Falcon to setup HBASE replication.

So I tried to create a Falcon cluster as outlined in :

But after creating the Falcon user and logging into Ambari as Falcon user, I found the screen empty - without the Your Views options as listed in above url under sub heading : Preparing HDFS directories.

But if I log out and then re-login as admin then I can see the views for Yarn, Hive and Tez.

Am I missing something?

Appreciate the feedback.


Expert Contributor

First, I think you meant HDFS/Falcon replication. Hbase has its own replication method.

Regarding you see screen empty, that's the permission issue. I think you missed one step in the tutorial that to setup permission (assign to views group in the tutorial) for the newly created falcon user.

View solution in original post


Expert Contributor

First, I think you meant HDFS/Falcon replication. Hbase has its own replication method.

Regarding you see screen empty, that's the permission issue. I think you missed one step in the tutorial that to setup permission (assign to views group in the tutorial) for the newly created falcon user.

Rising Star

BTW I am using Hortonworks 2.3.6 - I think.


So not sure if I am following the right document - appreciate pointers to the right document for configuring Falcon.

Expert Contributor

I am copying the part of tutorial below for your reference.

You can see the newly added falcon user. Click on it to assign it a group so that it can access Ambari views. Write "views" and select it in LocalGroupMembership box and then click on tick mark to add a falcon user in the "views" group.


Rising Star

Right I saw that and tried it. But there was no pre-existing group called views and if I tired to enter the value and click the right button, it would give error. Do we need to create this group ourselves or will that pre-exist?

Appreciate the feedback.

Rising Star

I am not able to do this step :

Write "views" and select it in LocalGroupMembership box and then click on tick mark to add a falcon user in the "views" group.

Because if I type in Views in the Local Group Membership/Add group, and trying to click on the Tick mark, it gives an error : Cannot add user to group An internal system exception occurred: Group Views doesn't exist

Expert Contributor

the views is the group that was pre-defined in a tutorial before this one. So, you need to create a group called views before you can assign the falcon user to this group.

In order to add user/group to access views, you can just follow this path: admin->manage ambari->views->click one of the views->click that view link-> go to permission->add user or group that can access to that view.

Rising Star

Frank thanks so much!!!

Rising Star

I am still not seeing the 'Files View' when I open ambari as Falcon. Any idea what I could be missing?

Frank, you had mentioned that I had missed some earlier steps to create group etc - can you point me to the exact documentation I have missed?

Appreciate the feedback.

Expert Contributor

have you seen any other views by setting correct permission? If just only the files view, you may follow the steps below:

You need to set up an HDFS proxy user for the Ambari daemon account. For example, if ambari-server daemon is runnng as root, you set up a proxy user for root in core-site by adding and changing properties in HDFS > Configs > Custom core-site:



Restart the required components as indicated by Ambari.