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HBASE/FALCON replication

Rising Star

I am trying to setup Falcon to setup HBASE replication.

So I tried to create a Falcon cluster as outlined in :

But after creating the Falcon user and logging into Ambari as Falcon user, I found the screen empty - without the Your Views options as listed in above url under sub heading : Preparing HDFS directories.

But if I log out and then re-login as admin then I can see the views for Yarn, Hive and Tez.

Am I missing something?

Appreciate the feedback.


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Rising Star

BTW I am using Hortonworks 2.3.6 - I think.


So not sure if I am following the right document - appreciate pointers to the right document for configuring Falcon.

Expert Contributor

I am copying the part of tutorial below for your reference.

You can see the newly added falcon user. Click on it to assign it a group so that it can access Ambari views. Write "views" and select it in LocalGroupMembership box and then click on tick mark to add a falcon user in the "views" group.


Rising Star

Right I saw that and tried it. But there was no pre-existing group called views and if I tired to enter the value and click the right button, it would give error. Do we need to create this group ourselves or will that pre-exist?

Appreciate the feedback.

Rising Star

I am not able to do this step :

Write "views" and select it in LocalGroupMembership box and then click on tick mark to add a falcon user in the "views" group.

Because if I type in Views in the Local Group Membership/Add group, and trying to click on the Tick mark, it gives an error : Cannot add user to group An internal system exception occurred: Group Views doesn't exist

Expert Contributor

the views is the group that was pre-defined in a tutorial before this one. So, you need to create a group called views before you can assign the falcon user to this group.

In order to add user/group to access views, you can just follow this path: admin->manage ambari->views->click one of the views->click that view link-> go to permission->add user or group that can access to that view.

Rising Star

Frank thanks so much!!!

Rising Star

I am still not seeing the 'Files View' when I open ambari as Falcon. Any idea what I could be missing?

Frank, you had mentioned that I had missed some earlier steps to create group etc - can you point me to the exact documentation I have missed?

Appreciate the feedback.

Expert Contributor

have you seen any other views by setting correct permission? If just only the files view, you may follow the steps below:

You need to set up an HDFS proxy user for the Ambari daemon account. For example, if ambari-server daemon is runnng as root, you set up a proxy user for root in core-site by adding and changing properties in HDFS > Configs > Custom core-site:



Restart the required components as indicated by Ambari.