Created 07-27-2018 12:40 PM
Followed all the instructions to set up the Hadoop 3.0 cluster and Ambari 2.7. HDFS port not accessible from outside.
1. The output of "netstat -tulapn | grep 8020 " from inside the server
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 11892/java
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 11892/java
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 11608/java
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 13891/java
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 11892/java
2. The output of "nc -zv mighadoop01.mydomain 8020" from outside.
nc: connectx to mighadoop01.mydomain port 8020 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
3. The output of "nc -zv mighadoop01.mydomain 8020" from inside the server.
Connection to mighadoop01.mydomain 8020 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
4. Server's /etc/hosts file localhost.localdomain
::1ip6-localhost ip6-loopback mighadoop01.mydomain
Any pointers would be much appreciated.
Created 07-27-2018 01:00 PM
Please check the below property value in file hdfs-site.xml
if it is set as server hostname:8020 then ensure that server hostname is resolving to proper IP address
Created 07-27-2018 01:00 PM
Please check the below property value in file hdfs-site.xml
if it is set as server hostname:8020 then ensure that server hostname is resolving to proper IP address
Created 07-27-2018 01:34 PM
Yes. From outside the server, I could resolve the other ports.
nc -zv mighadoop01.mydomain 8080
found 0 associations
found 1 connections: 1:flags=82<CONNECTED,PREFERRED> outif utun1 src port 61294 dst port 8080 rank info not available TCP aux info available Connection to mighadoop01.mydomain port 8080 [tcp/http-alt] succeeded!
Created 07-27-2018 01:58 PM
bind address is the main issue if you saw the port 8020 is bind to IP address while your other working ports are bind to IP address correctly hence please check dfs.namenode.rpc-address property from hdfs site file
Created 07-27-2018 02:02 PM
My dfs.namenode.rpc-address is below:
<property> <name>dfs.namenode.rpc-address</name> <value>mighadoop01.mydomain:8020</value> </property>
Created 07-27-2018 03:46 PM
This issue is now fixed. The problem was when I changed the rpc-address, I was just restarting the ambari server and agent. I was not restarting all the HDFS components, which was the issue. Thanks for all your suggestions.
Created 07-27-2018 01:11 PM
Please confirm SELINUX is disabled and Firewall is off/disabled.
Created 07-27-2018 01:37 PM
Yes. SELINUX and firewall is off/disabled.
Created 07-27-2018 01:27 PM
Are you running on AWS or another cloud provider? They often block ports.
is your domain setup properly?
is it available in DNS?
are the machines able to communicate over other ports?
it /etc/hosts setup correct
is there an external firewall between them?
Can you SSH between them?
Created 07-27-2018 01:36 PM
Yes to all your questions. And yes, we are on AWS. Machines can communicate over other ports. Please see my response to the previous answer.