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HDP cluster + resource manager logs with warning as Reservation Exceeds Allowed number of nodes


we have Hadoop cluster ( HDP 2.6.5 cluster with ambari , with 25 datanodes & nodemanager machines )

we are using spark streaming application (spark 2.1 run over Hortonworks 2.6.x )

the current situation is that spark streaming applications runs on all datanodes & node-manager machines

but from the resources manager logs we see the following INFO warning:


2021-06-27 14:07:01,456 INFO  fair.FSAppAttempt ( - Reservation Exceeds Allowed number of nodes: app_id=application_1624802728037_0004 existingReservations=10 totalAvailableNodes=181 reservableNodesRatio=0.05 numAllowedReservations=10
2021-06-27 14:07:01,456 INFO  fair.FSAppAttempt ( - Reservation Exceeds Allowed number of nodes: app_id=application_1624802728037_0003 existingReservations=10 totalAvailableNodes=181 reservableNodesRatio=0.05 numAllowedReservations=10
2021-06-27 14:07:01,456 INFO  fair.FSAppAttempt ( - Reservation Exceeds Allowed number of nodes: app_id=application_1624802728037_0009 existingReservations=10 totalAvailableNodes=181 reservableNodesRatio=0.05 numAllowedReservations=10

regarding to Reservation Exceeds Allowed number of nodes

what is the customization that we should to do in order to avoid above those messages?


Master Mentor


Can you share your capacity scheduler , total memory and vcores configs ?