Created 07-13-2020 10:31 PM
I am a beginner and followed some tutorials for installation and configuration of HDP Sandbox. I have spent a few days trying different hosts file modifications and different browser address and none seem to work. I have also tried all these on a PC and Mac trying both VMware and VirtualBox. I am currently using VMWare as VIrtualbox is giving me error.
Things I have tried:
host file - localhost vs vs 192.168.XX.XX localhost
browser ips: vs localhost:8888 vs 192.168.XX.XX:8888
I am getting the error check connection of network interface and unable to connect to Please help. I am lost all hopes now
Created 07-14-2020 03:35 PM
Previously I had written a comprehensive note on this issue but unfortunately, I can't locate it. I have just completed fresh documentation but since attachments were disabled, please download the document from my adobe share
I am sure it will help you keep me posted.
Happy hadooping
Created 07-21-2020 02:12 AM
Any updates on this?
Created 07-21-2020 03:44 AM
Created 07-21-2020 03:52 AM
Can you explain the latest development ? I compiled a document for you did you go through it step by step?
Created 07-21-2020 06:32 AM