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Help with Cloudera Live on AWS


I am trying to install Cloudera live on AWS with Tableau. The stack creation is complete.  I see 6 instances running on my account.  I did not receive any email with instructuctions on how to access Cloudera.  Can someone suggest how I can check if the installation is complete




Glad it's working. You should make the rules as specific or as general as
your needs dictate. I had forgotten about the rule that allowed all
outbound traffic, simply so any request originating in the cluster would
succeed (since the ephemeral ports for Linux are allowed inbound traffic).
The default firewall is quite strict about incoming traffic...

View solution in original post


Hi Sean,


Thanks for your suggestion.  I will create a newpost.



View solution in original post



Please close this issue



Community Manager

Did you solve the issue Mark? If so, please share the solution in case it can assist others. 🙂

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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There was a bit of a delay on Friday as the system caught up after an issue
was fixed.


Thanks for the reply. Cloudera live install went through fine.  I could connect to all three environments(Hue, manager, & navigator).  I have tried to query through Hive and Impala and they work.  Now, I am trying to use Sqoop to transfer data from mysql to Hadoop and I need help with manager node IP:Port, userid and pwd.  I will be using putty to connect.

I am also looking to connect through Tableau and I don't seem to have the right drivers.
Can you help with these two issues?


The "Guidance Page" (linked to in the emails you received after the cluster
started) has a table with the IP addresses of all your nodes, including the
"Manager Node". If you're accessing the tutorial from the link on that
page, it should fill in the value of the IP addresses in the example
commands (such as the Sqoop command) for you.

The user ID to use for SSH is ec2-user and there is no password - it's the
EC2 key-pair you selected when deploying the CloudFormation template. The
first couple of pages in the tutorial have more detail. For the MySQL
database, the username is retail_dba and the password is cloudera (again -
this should be shown in the tutorial) - but MySQL will only accept
connections from the machines in your cluster.

Can you be more specific about why you think you're missing a driver? The
copy of Tableau Desktop hosted on the Windows instance should have built-in
support for connecting to Impala, etc. and other than being able to connect
to Remote Desktop, you should not need any other drivers.


Hi Sean,


Thanks for your reply.  I used the ip address( and userid (ec2-user) through Putty.  I get this error message:


"Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available(server sent: public key, gssapi-keyex, gssapi-with-mic"


Can you help me with this issue?


Regarding Tableau, I can access the tool and can log into the system.  Then, I select "Cloudera Hadoop" as the server and enter for server with port(10000). 

I select "HiveServer" for Type.  I see Authentication greyed out.  I cannot enter userid or pwd.  I click OK and I get a window with error message


"An error occurred while communicating with the Cloudera Hadoop data source ''


I would appreciate if you can let me know where I am making a mistake in the workflow.








Regarding PuTTY, have you read through EC2's documentation on connecting to Linux instances from Windows? It seems you need to go through a process of converting the .pem file (the key you selected when deploying the CloudFormation template) to a PuTTY-specific .ppk format, and then configure your connection to use that file for authentication.


As for the issue connecting from Tableau, I would recommend you try using the Private IP for the Manager Node to connect to Hive. If you're using the public IP, a bunch of firewall rules get applied, and they will block access to Hive since the service is not secured by default in Live clusters. However, from inside the cluster, all access to private IPs should be open. Also note that Hive Server 2 is running on the Manager Node: this is distinct from Impala (which the Tableau tutorial in Cloudera Live has you connect to), which is running on all of the Worker Nodes instead.


Hope that helps!


Hi Sean,


Thanks for your reply.  I tried using Putty and I can connect now. I still need to run the script to move tables from mysql to HDFS.


With Tableau, I am stil getting the same error as shown below.  I am using Cloudera Hadoop as the server. I am also using private ip ( and left the port at 10000.


Please let me know if I need to make any other changes.




The drivers necessary to connect to this database are not properly installed.

To connect to this database, perform the following steps:

  • Click the following link to go to download drivers: Download Drivers
  • Follow the instructions
  • Attempt to connect to the database again.

Detailed Error Message:

  • [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
  • Unable to connect to the server "". Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges to the requested database.

Rising Star

1. Please refer to for ingets ( Mysql to HDFS ).

It is straignt forward only need to change the db name, user id, pasword, mysql driver location and you should be good.



2. For ODBC driver: Did you install from below link?