Created 02-27-2016 03:44 AM
Is there way to hide HDFS folder from everyone but the user who has access to it. Currently I have restricted one user folder from other BUT the folders are also visible. Would like to hide that if possible
Created 02-27-2016 04:09 AM
You can set permissions to your user folder like this
hdfs dfs -chmod 700 /user/user1
and if the owner of this folder is user1, then only he can list the folder
hdfs dfs -ls /user/user1 ... works for user1 but doesn't work for other users
However, hdfs as the HDFS super-user can also list it.
Created 02-27-2016 04:00 AM
I hope this will help you:
Ex: B1,B2,B3 business units and SA( Service Account who is loading the data into HDFS)
drwxr-x--- - SA bigdata 0 2015-12-28 16:37 /db/
drwxr-x--- - SA B1 0 2015-12-28 16:37 /db/B1 Application Name/
drwxr-x--- - SA B2 0 2015-12-28 16:37 /db/B2 Application Name/
drwxr-x--- - SA B3 0 2015-12-28 16:37 /db/B3 Application Name/
bigdata(common group for all & primary group for SA)
Here using simple linux permission and groups to achieve your scenarios.
B1,B2 & B3 needs to add under bigdata group as well to get an access for /db dir
Created 02-27-2016 04:09 AM
You can set permissions to your user folder like this
hdfs dfs -chmod 700 /user/user1
and if the owner of this folder is user1, then only he can list the folder
hdfs dfs -ls /user/user1 ... works for user1 but doesn't work for other users
However, hdfs as the HDFS super-user can also list it.
Created 02-27-2016 03:52 PM
You can do chmod 000 on that directory and manage it using ranger
Created 02-27-2016 04:25 PM
I did that already and access is restricted but the thing is folders are viewable ( no accessible). UserA and UserB folder are restrcited but UserA can also see that a folder for UserB exists. I would like to hide that as well. All UserA needs to see is his folder in HDFS file browser.
Is there a way to do this ?
Created 10-03-2016 11:38 PM
Bump. Any recommendations to this above question?
We are also looking for such a solution.