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Hide HDFS folder from other AMbari-User

Expert Contributor

Is there way to hide HDFS folder from everyone but the user who has access to it. Currently I have restricted one user folder from other BUT the folders are also visible. Would like to hide that if possible


Master Guru

You can set permissions to your user folder like this

hdfs dfs -chmod 700 /user/user1

and if the owner of this folder is user1, then only he can list the folder

hdfs dfs -ls /user/user1 ... works for user1 but doesn't work for other users

However, hdfs as the HDFS super-user can also list it.

View solution in original post



I hope this will help you:

Ex: B1,B2,B3 business units and SA( Service Account who is loading the data into HDFS)

drwxr-x--- - SA bigdata 0 2015-12-28 16:37 /db/

drwxr-x--- - SA B1 0 2015-12-28 16:37 /db/B1 Application Name/

drwxr-x--- - SA B2 0 2015-12-28 16:37 /db/B2 Application Name/

drwxr-x--- - SA B3 0 2015-12-28 16:37 /db/B3 Application Name/

bigdata(common group for all & primary group for SA)

Here using simple linux permission and groups to achieve your scenarios.

B1,B2 & B3 needs to add under bigdata group as well to get an access for /db dir

Master Guru

You can set permissions to your user folder like this

hdfs dfs -chmod 700 /user/user1

and if the owner of this folder is user1, then only he can list the folder

hdfs dfs -ls /user/user1 ... works for user1 but doesn't work for other users

However, hdfs as the HDFS super-user can also list it.

Master Mentor
@Prakash Punj

You can do chmod 000 on that directory and manage it using ranger

Expert Contributor

@Neeraj Sabharwal

I did that already and access is restricted but the thing is folders are viewable ( no accessible). UserA and UserB folder are restrcited but UserA can also see that a folder for UserB exists. I would like to hide that as well. All UserA needs to see is his folder in HDFS file browser.

Is there a way to do this ?


Bump. Any recommendations to this above question?

We are also looking for such a solution.