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Hide SolR schema field from HUE

New Contributor



I'm using Hue to visualize document indexed in SolR.

I would like to Hide from Hue some field that are part of the SolR collection schema.

The image below is what I see from Hue when I open a indexed document, I would like to know if it is possible (and how), hide the yellow fields from Hue.



This is the schema used to create the SolR collection:


I've tried to set stored=false and indexed=false but this seems to have no effect.


Could you please provide some hint?




Expert Contributor

I understand that you are trying to hide the values in the non-relevant fields in the Hue UI. For ex: _version_


But, this would not be possible by making changes in the managed-schema (or schema.xml) of a Solr collection. Changing a schema would be changing the behaviour of how the indexing will happen in the Solr service for the collection.


Adding to the use case, Hue, will only show what is indexed by solr and given back. It apparently, has very less control over the actual data. It is sort of proxy between you and Solr. The one who is just shows what Solr service gives.

For "stored=false" & "indexed=false":


When you set "indexed=false" -> You might totally skip the indexing feature for that particular field.So, you will never be able to search a document in Solr with that field detail. Ex: id.

When you set "stored=false" -> The purpose of the stored attribute: to tell Solr to store the original text in the index somewhere. Sometimes, there are fields which aren't searched, but need to be displayed in the search results.


I hope this answers your questions.

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Expert Contributor

I understand that you are trying to hide the values in the non-relevant fields in the Hue UI. For ex: _version_


But, this would not be possible by making changes in the managed-schema (or schema.xml) of a Solr collection. Changing a schema would be changing the behaviour of how the indexing will happen in the Solr service for the collection.


Adding to the use case, Hue, will only show what is indexed by solr and given back. It apparently, has very less control over the actual data. It is sort of proxy between you and Solr. The one who is just shows what Solr service gives.

For "stored=false" & "indexed=false":


When you set "indexed=false" -> You might totally skip the indexing feature for that particular field.So, you will never be able to search a document in Solr with that field detail. Ex: id.

When you set "stored=false" -> The purpose of the stored attribute: to tell Solr to store the original text in the index somewhere. Sometimes, there are fields which aren't searched, but need to be displayed in the search results.


I hope this answers your questions.

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