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Hive Connection Timeout

New Contributor

User trying to connect via beeline but connection itself taking long time. Please suugest what is the issue.


Rising Star

Please check 

  • the number of open connections for each HiveServer2/HiveMetastore instance from CM UI to see if HS2/HMS instances are overloaded with high number of client connections
  • if HMS backend database is performing optimally or not
  • the performance of KDC or AD server if authentication is enabled
  • if there are high JVM pauses in CM charts of HS2/HMS or look for traces matching 
    Detected pause in JVM or host machine (eg GC)

    If there is no abnormality in any of the above cases, then we might need to collect jstack for all the three processes i.e beeline, HS2 and HMS to confirm the location of slowness due to which connection is getting hung