Created 12-10-2015 09:00 PM
I'm having some trouble executing function-based Hive queries in QlikView (ODBC connector parse error), and I'm looking to understand if the fault lies in the QV syntax, or if functions are simply not supported by the Hive ODBC driver.
The following works in Hive command line:
select distinct a_date, reverse(a_date) from a_table where a_date > '20151201';
The following fails in QV:
SQL SELECT reverse("a_date") FROM HIVE.a_db."a_table" WHERE "a_date" > '20151201';
The QV and connector implementation is fine otherwise; substituting 'reverse' with 'max' executes happily.
Created 02-16-2016 08:45 PM
This problem has been resolved. Errors were caused by QV syntax peculiarities. Details can be viewed in the QV Community post here.
Created 12-10-2015 09:32 PM
Hive cli - working
select distinct a_date, length(a_date)from a_table where a_date >'20151201';
beeline ?
If beeline works then it's QV issue. Please test
Created 12-10-2015 09:48 PM
It works in 'hive (a_db)>', but I also checked in beeline (i.e. without using ODBC driver).
Created 12-10-2015 10:06 PM
Do you mean it works with beeline and jdbc? but not working with QV+ odbc?
Created 12-10-2015 10:09 PM
@Joanna Waligora If QV + ODBC issue then please see this
I would say , open a case with them
Created 12-10-2015 10:53 PM
Does confirmation of jdbc functionality conclusively exclude odbc driver as the culprit?
I read the QV community thread earlier, but since the item was unresolved, I started my own. Subsequently it occurred to me that QV folks won't be able to help me if it's a driver limitation.
Created 12-10-2015 11:10 PM
@Joanna Waligora Do you have access to hortonworks support? or Are you a customer? I would suggest to open a ticket or in worse case , open a jira ticket to address this.
Created 12-10-2015 10:10 PM
Created 12-11-2015 12:01 AM
You'll need to use the ODBC Data Source Administrator tool to uncheck "Use Native Query" from your ODBC driver installation.
Created 12-11-2015 06:26 PM
Thanks. It's unchecked by default.
I played with that setting before; setting it to 'on' does cause my previously functional syntax to fail.
Right now (native unchecked), doing a select on [a_date] works, but Hive functions like reverse([a_date]) fail.