Created on 09-12-2018 02:21 AM - edited 09-16-2022 06:41 AM
Hi Team,
Below are my installation details
Hive 1.1.0-cdh5.11.2
Hadoop 2.6.0-cdh5.11.2
I want to load JSON data into Hive table for further analysis thus I followed belwo steps,
1. created Hive table using serde - successful
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testtable (name String, age int, createdon Date) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.DelimitedJSONSerDe' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("ignore.malformed.json" = "true") LOCATION '/user/testuser/test';
2. Loaded JSON data into Hive table from local file - successful
load data local inpath '/home/testuser/test.json' into table testtable;
However, when I try to query this data using Selct command I get below error,
hive> select * from testtable;
Failed with exception DelimitedJSONSerDe cannot deserialize.
Please help me understand the root cause of this error. Also, do suggest if this is the right way to load and query JSON data.
Created 09-12-2018 10:28 AM
How does the data looks like? I think the json has to be in one row (so cant contain newlines) and you have to have one json per line. At least I had a similar issue when I wanted to load a data via external table, where the json contained one big list with many dict elements.
Created 09-20-2018 09:20 PM
HI TomasTF,
I tried 3 ways,
1. Data without newline : sample below
{"id":"P121", "name":"Round Tee", "reseller":"Puma", "category":"Top Wear", "price":2379.06, "discount":22.57, "profit_percent":20.13},{"id":"P122", "name":"pant", "reseller":"Reebok", "category":"bottom", "price":1234.99, "discount":99.99, "profit_percent":67.12}
2. Data with new line and comma
{"id":"P121", "name":"Round Tee", "reseller":"Puma", "category":"Top Wear", "price":2379.06, "discount":22.57, "profit_percent":20.13},
{"id":"P122", "name":"pant", "reseller":"Reebok", "category":"bottom", "price":1234.99, "discount":99.99, "profit_percent":67.12}
3. Data with new line and without comma
{"id":"P121", "name":"Round Tee", "reseller":"Puma", "category":"Top Wear", "price":2379.06, "discount":22.57, "profit_percent":20.13}
{"id":"P122", "name":"pant", "reseller":"Reebok", "category":"bottom", "price":1234.99, "discount":99.99, "profit_percent":67.12}
all three failed with same error
Next, I deleted the table and recreated with Double
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testtable (Id string,Name string,Reseller string,Category string,Price Double,Discount Double,Profit_percent Double) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' location "/user/testuser/test";
with Data in below format (new line without comma)
{"id":"P121", "name":"Round Tee", "reseller":"Puma", "category":"Top Wear", "price":2379.06, "discount":22.57, "profit_percent":20.13}
{"id":"P122", "name":"pant", "reseller":"Reebok", "category":"bottom", "price":1234.99, "discount":99.99, "profit_percent":67.12}
Now Select Query is not fetching result without error.
However, am still now sure why Decimal was throwing error.