Created 02-23-2016 10:21 AM
How can we default all hive server 2 connections to go to a separate Yarn Queue?
Created 02-23-2016 10:26 AM
See this
So now that you have a pool of AM's running, for possibly multiple queue's, who do you get your JDBC session into HS2 to use the desired queue? You need to specify the queue you want in your JDBC session with:
Specify Queue in Script
-- (Preferred) But less known property, not so well documented is required for HDP 2.1 . 1
-- For HDP 2.1 . 3 and above, this property will work.
set mapreduce.job.queuename=alt;
Specify a Queue in the JDBC Connection String
jdbc:hive2: //localhost:10000?
On the server that's running Hive Server2, modify hive-site.xml the include the following:
< property >
< name >mapreduce.job.queuename</ name >
< value >alt</ value >
</ property >
< property >
< name ></ name >
< value >alt</ value >
</ property > |
Created on 02-23-2016 10:39 AM - edited 08-18-2019 05:38 AM
I have seen this before.
Ambari does not allow you to do this?
Tried in sandbox
Couple of other side affects
a) If I set explicitly
Performance of queries of demo 2 is much slower
b) Both the queues have 50% of the queue capacity
Created 02-23-2016 11:06 AM
@Shivaji You can define multiple queues. I know , its a lot to read
You have to define the queue in your code or connection.
Created 02-23-2016 06:38 PM
Done the reading. Let me know if it works for you. The user to queue mapping is working. But not the above.
Created 02-24-2016 12:10 AM
@Shivaji Let me get back to you on this with a demo
Created 11-11-2017 11:42 AM
I have a similar question.
In my case, I need to connect to Hive using a Sas tool that only provides me with the following fields:
And then there is a tool to add "server side properties", which creates a list of key/value pairs.
Can anyone tell me what server side properties I can use to force this connection to always use a specific queue?
Or, a way to associate this connection with a user and associate that user with a key/value pair?
Created 02-23-2016 10:37 AM
Here's the official document walking you step by step
Created 02-23-2016 10:42 AM
I have gone through the docs. Please see the comment to Neeraj's question.
a) How do you set this in Ambari?
The Hive Queues do not get set. Try this on Sandbox.
Created 02-23-2016 11:06 AM
Capacity scheduler view is in sandbox, you can setup those queues using the capacity scheduler view our manually using scheduler section of yarn configs. This page