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Hive Table Default Format


Hello Friends,

I have couple of questions related to Hive and I am confused about the correct answer.

Q1: What is the correct way to define default Hive table ?

Q2: Also, what is the default delimiter for Hive table ?

In other words, requirement says create hive table with default format.

Now I am checking "set hive.default.fileformat;" on hive cli. It is showing "TextFile".

So I am creating the Hive table like : create table mydb.user (uid int,name string) ;

But it is creating table with Row Format "LazySimpleSerDe" and without any delimiter.

Is this correct way to define default hive table ?

Or shall I define it as : create table mydb.user (uid int,name string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' ;

Because, in this case it is showing Row Format "DELIMITED" and Fields Terminated By '\t'.

Thanking you



Master Guru

@Santanu Ghosh
Q1: What is the correct way to define default Hive table ?

It depends on how you datafile is delimited

if your datafile is delimited with ^A(ctrl-a) then you don’t need to specify any delimiter,because hive default delimiter is ^A(ctrl-a) in ASCII. in this case if we do desc formatted <table-name>; hive doesn't shows any delimiter because table is created with default delimiter i.e ^A

If your datafile is comma delimited then we need to create table with row format delimited fields terminated by ','.

when we created table with create table mydb.user (uid int,name string); this ddl statement without any format and delimiters then hive creates user table with default serde (serialize,deserializer ). This serde instructs hive on how to process a record (Row) and serde library is inbuilt to Hadoop API.

Default serde -->  LazySimpleSerDe<br>Default InputFormat --> TextInputFormat<br>Default OutputFormat --> HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat<br>Default Delimiter --> ^A(ctrl-a) //although the delimiter is not showing in desc formatted <table-name>;

Q2: Also, what is the default delimiter for Hive table ?

By default, tables are assumed to be of text input format and the delimiters are assumed to be ^A(ctrl-a).

Please refer to this link for more details regarding hive ddl operations.

Q3: create table mydb.user (uid int,name string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' ;

If we define table with specified delimiter so that’s the reason why you are able to see delimiter as \t in desc formatted table command.

View solution in original post


Master Guru

@Santanu Ghosh
Q1: What is the correct way to define default Hive table ?

It depends on how you datafile is delimited

if your datafile is delimited with ^A(ctrl-a) then you don’t need to specify any delimiter,because hive default delimiter is ^A(ctrl-a) in ASCII. in this case if we do desc formatted <table-name>; hive doesn't shows any delimiter because table is created with default delimiter i.e ^A

If your datafile is comma delimited then we need to create table with row format delimited fields terminated by ','.

when we created table with create table mydb.user (uid int,name string); this ddl statement without any format and delimiters then hive creates user table with default serde (serialize,deserializer ). This serde instructs hive on how to process a record (Row) and serde library is inbuilt to Hadoop API.

Default serde -->  LazySimpleSerDe<br>Default InputFormat --> TextInputFormat<br>Default OutputFormat --> HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat<br>Default Delimiter --> ^A(ctrl-a) //although the delimiter is not showing in desc formatted <table-name>;

Q2: Also, what is the default delimiter for Hive table ?

By default, tables are assumed to be of text input format and the delimiters are assumed to be ^A(ctrl-a).

Please refer to this link for more details regarding hive ddl operations.

Q3: create table mydb.user (uid int,name string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' ;

If we define table with specified delimiter so that’s the reason why you are able to see delimiter as \t in desc formatted table command.


Thanks @Shu.

So if input file is tab delimited and it says create hive table with default format, then just :

"create table mydb.user (uid int,name string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' ; "

should be sufficient. This will create table with tab delimiter, and it will take file storage from default format which is TextFile. (hive.default.fileformat)

Thanking you


Master Guru

@Santanu Ghosh

That's correct.Just create table with \t delimited then the hive can read the file with the delimiter specified.


Creating Tab delimited table in Hive:-

I'm having tab delimited file in hdfs

bash$ hadoop fs -cat /apps/hive/warehouse/t1/t.txt<br>1\tfoo

I have created a table in hive with tab delimited as

hive> create table default.t1 (id string,name string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

Do desc formatted default.t1; to see the delimiter for the table and all the Serde,Input,Output Formats are set to be default(as mentioned in the above answer).

# Storage Information         | NULL                                                        | NULL 
SerDe Library:                | org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe          | NULL 
InputFormat:                  | org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat                    | NULL 
OutputFormat:                 |  | NULL 
Compressed:                   | No                                                          | NULL 
Storage Desc Params:          | NULL                                                        | NULL 
                              | field.delim                                                 | \t   

Now check the data in t1 table

hive> select * from default.t1;
|  |  |
| 1      | foo      |

Hive read the input tab delimited t.txt file and shown the results.

Let me know if you are having any additional questions..!!


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Thanks @Shu for the explanation. I really appreciate it.