1. Verify if any firewalls are blocking incoming connections on ports 10000 (HiveServer2) and 10002 (Thrift server). You can use tools like netstat -atup or lsof -i :10000 to check if any processes are listening on these ports.
If a firewall is restricting access, configure it to allow connections on these ports from the machine where you're running Beeline.
2. Double-check the HiveServer2 configuration files (hive-site.xml and hive-env.sh) in Cloudera Manager.
Ensure that the hive.server2.thrift.port property is set to 10000 in hive-site.xml.
Verify that the HIVESERVER2_THRIFT_BIND_HOST environment variable (if set) in hive-env.sh allows connections from your Beeline machine.
Make sure the HiveServer2 service has the necessary permissions to bind to these ports.
3. beeline -u jdbc:hive2://<HOST>:10000/;principal=hive/USR@PWD (specifies principal)
4. Try restarting the Hive and HiveServer2 services in Cloudera Manager. This can sometimes resolve conflicts or configuration issues.
5. Check the HiveServer2 log files (usually in /var/log/hive-server2/hive-server2.log) for any error messages that might indicate why it's not listening on the expected ports.