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Hive beeline throws ClassNotFoundException after installing atlas

Rising Star

Hello Team,

We have a HDP 2.6 cluster with HIVE in HA using zookeeper discovery enabled. Before installing atlas on cluster All comands related to hive through beeline was working.

Post installing atlas through ambari when i run simple show tables command it throws below error.

[ajay@vijayhdf-1 ~]$ beeline Beeline version 1.2.1000. by Apache Hive beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://vijayblue-1.novalocal:2181,vijayhdf-3.novalocal:2181,vijayhdf-2.novalocal:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2 Connecting to jdbc:hive2://vijayblue-1.novalocal:2181,vijayhdf-3.novalocal:2181,vijayhdf-2.novalocal:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2 Enter username for jdbc:hive2://vijayblue-1.novalocal:2181,vijayhdf-3.novalocal:2181,vijayhdf-2.novalocal:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2: ajay Enter password for jdbc:hive2://vijayblue-1.novalocal:2181,vijayhdf-3.novalocal:2181,vijayhdf-2.novalocal:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2: ******** Connected to: Apache Hive (version 1.2.1000. Driver: Hive JDBC (version 1.2.1000. Transaction isolation: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ 0: jdbc:hive2://vijayblue-1.novalocal:2181,vi> show tables; Error: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Hive Internal Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException(org.apache.atlas.hive.hook.HiveHook) (state=08S01,code=12)

Kindly help me to fix the issue.

- Vijay Mishra


Rising Star


Kindly suggest how to fix it as unable to proceed.

I have reverted the changes.

it started throwing the errors again.

- Vijay Mishra

Rising Star


Anything more you can suggest to fix the issue.

None of the hive tables and kafka topics visible in Atlas. Also import_hive script also not present on cluster.

- Vijay Mishrs