My problem is to make hive queries. Using Impala works fine. Both in HUE
The query I tried to make is:
load data local inpath '/tmp/expectancy_country.csv' overwrite into table expectancy_country;
After 2:45 i get the message time out and the log shows:
INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20190612043030_466f94db-6fb9-41c4-ad84-098d8f8decbe): load data local inpath '/tmp/expectancy_country.csv' overwrite into table expectancy_country
INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed
INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null, properties:null)
INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20190612043030_466f94db-6fb9-41c4-ad84-098d8f8decbe); Time taken: 0.061 seconds
On the left side is still the red quader indicating that the query is running.
I also tried:
create table expectancy_country (expectancy int, country string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
With the same result. But
show tables
works fine.
The quickstart does not show any issues. The only change I made is
| <property> |
150 | 150 | <name>spark.executor.cores</name> |
151 | | - <value>1</value> |
| 151 | + <value>4</value> |
But it did not work before as well. Any ideas
On the upper left side under hive and databases I get the message: Error loading databases