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How can hadoop client libraries be added to a node which is not part of the cluster? Can this be done through Ambari?

Expert Contributor

How can hadoop client libraries be added to a node which is not part of the cluster? Can this be done through Ambari?


Master Mentor

You can install clients by doing yum install hadoop* etc but you need to manually add the hdp.repo to your repolist. Its easier to install an edgenode as part of cluster and only install clients. If you still insist going manual way, pull the packages you need and download the xml for each client you need from cluster. This poses a problem every time you make a config change, it's best to have Ambari manage your client node.

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Master Mentor

You can install clients by doing yum install hadoop* etc but you need to manually add the hdp.repo to your repolist. Its easier to install an edgenode as part of cluster and only install clients. If you still insist going manual way, pull the packages you need and download the xml for each client you need from cluster. This poses a problem every time you make a config change, it's best to have Ambari manage your client node.

Master Mentor

just to close the loop on this, I tested this and it works. Here's my article that describes the process

Master Mentor

You can use yum install hadoop-* if that particular node is not part of ambari stack

check this

for example:

yum install hadoop hadoop-hdfs hadoop-libhdfs hadoop-yarn hadoop-mapreduce hadoop-client openssl

You can pick hadoop-client

Its really good doc.