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How do I automate the Ambari LDAP sync?
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Apache Ambari
Created 11-05-2015 06:25 PM
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I want to automate through cron or other method "ambari-server sync-ldap --existing" but it prompts for an Ambari username and password. Any ideas on how I can automate an Ambari LDAP sync?
Created 11-05-2015 07:20 PM
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curl -uadmin:admin -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST -d '[{"Event": {"specs": [{"principal_type": "users", "sync_type": "existing"}, {"principal_type": "groups", "sync_type": "existing"}]}}]' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events
You will get a response like:
{ "resources" : [ { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13", "Event" : { "id" : 13 } } ] }
You can GET on this href to get status of the sync:
curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13 { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13", "Event" : { "id" : 13, "specs" : [ { "sync_type" : "existing", "principal_type" : "users" }, { "sync_type" : "existing", "principal_type" : "groups" } ], "status" : "COMPLETE", "status_detail" : "Completed LDAP sync.", "summary" : { "groups" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0, "updated" : 0 }, "memberships" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0 }, "users" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0, "updated" : 0 } }, "sync_time" : { "end" : 1446751142546, "start" : 1446751142462 } } }
Created 11-05-2015 06:32 PM
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@Sean Roberts had scripted this out. Steps here: https://github.com/seanorama/masterclass/tree/master/security#lab-configure-ambari-for-ldap
Here is the script itself
Created 11-05-2015 06:40 PM
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That's sets up LDAP but I need to automate the sync process. I would like Ambari to execute the sync-ldap --existing command once a day.
Created 11-05-2015 06:46 PM
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You can create an expect script for it.
Created 11-05-2015 07:20 PM
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curl -uadmin:admin -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST -d '[{"Event": {"specs": [{"principal_type": "users", "sync_type": "existing"}, {"principal_type": "groups", "sync_type": "existing"}]}}]' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events
You will get a response like:
{ "resources" : [ { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13", "Event" : { "id" : 13 } } ] }
You can GET on this href to get status of the sync:
curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13 { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13", "Event" : { "id" : 13, "specs" : [ { "sync_type" : "existing", "principal_type" : "users" }, { "sync_type" : "existing", "principal_type" : "groups" } ], "status" : "COMPLETE", "status_detail" : "Completed LDAP sync.", "summary" : { "groups" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0, "updated" : 0 }, "memberships" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0 }, "users" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0, "updated" : 0 } }, "sync_time" : { "end" : 1446751142546, "start" : 1446751142462 } } }
Created 11-05-2015 07:57 PM
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@yusaku@hortonworks.com - how would we do this when we have a users or groups text file?
Created 11-05-2015 08:08 PM
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You can replace sync_type to specific (from existing), and add names attribute with a comma-delimited list of users/groups. Here's an example:
curl -uadmin:admin -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST -d '[{"Event": {"specs": [{"principal_type": "users", "sync_type": "specific", "names": "bill,jenny,mike"},{"principal_type":"groups","sync_type":"specific", "names": "group1,group2"}]}}]' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events
Created on 11-05-2015 11:58 PM - edited 08-19-2019 05:52 AM
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This will make life easier..gist link
yum install expect*
spawn ambari-server sync-ldap --existing
expect "Enter Ambari Admin login:"
send "admin\r"
expect "Enter Ambari Admin password:"
send "admin\r"
expect eof
Created 11-06-2015 03:00 PM
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Here is the .sh script we used at the customers. You'll need to fill in your specific environment information. It runs the curl commands but also includes an LDAP filter.
# Just in case we are run from cron with no path set...
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
# # Groups we want to look for, in this case any group name that starts with HDP_ # GROUP_FILTER="(&(ObjectClass=Group)(CN=HDP_*))" SEARCH_BASE=DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=com SEARCH_USER=CN=search_user,OU=LDAP,${SEARCH_BASE} SEARCH_PASSWD=ldapUserPassword
LDAPGROUPS=`ldapsearch -h $LDAP_HOST -x -s sub -b ${SEARCH_BASE} -D ${SEARCH_USER} -w ${SEARCH_PASSWD} "${GROUP_FILTER}" cn | grep ^dn: | cut -d' ' -f2- | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/(memberOf=\1)/" | tr '\n' ':' | sed -e "s/://g"`
# Filter for users with a "valid" flag set who have a first name, last name and email. SEARCH_FILTER="(&(objectClass=USER)(mail=*mydomain.com)(givenName=*)(sn=*)(!(msexchuserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(|$LDAPGROUPS))"
# perform the search on AD and format the results in a way that postfix wants.
#ldapsearch -h <ldap.company.com> -x -D “${SEARCH_USER}” -w “${SEARCH_PASSWD}” "${SEARCH_FILTER}" sAMAccountName | \ grep -v "{" | \ cut -d: -f3 | \ sort -u > ${TEMP_FILE}
USERLIST=`ldapsearch -h $LDAP_HOST -x -s sub -b ${SEARCH_BASE} -D ${SEARCH_USER} -w ${SEARCH_PASSWD} "${SEARCH_FILTER}" sAMAccountName |\ grep -i sAMAccountName |\ grep -v ^# |\ sort -u |\ awk '{print $2}' |\ tr '\n' , |\ tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' |\ sed -e "s/,$//"`
GROUPLIST=`ldapsearch -h $LDAP_HOST -x -s sub -b ${SEARCH_BASE} -D ${SEARCH_USER} -w ${SEARCH_PASSWD} "${SEARCH_FILTER}" memberOf |\ grep memberOf |\ grep -v ^# |\ grep HDP_ |\ sort -u |\ cut -d: -f2 |\ cut -d= -f2 |\ cut -d, -f1 |\ awk '{print $1}' |\ tr '\n' , |\ sed -e "s/,$//"`
# Sync new users and groups
curl -s -H "X-Requested-By: ambari” -u $AMBARI_ADMIN_USER -d '{"Event": {"specs": [{"principal_type": "users", "sync_type": "specific", "names": "'$USERLIST'"}, {"principal_type": "groups", "sync_type": "specific", "names": "'$GROUPLIST'"}]}}' >/dev/null
sleep 30
# Sync existing users and groups
curl -s -H "X-Requested-By: amber” -u $AMBARI_ADMIN_USER -d '{"Event": { "specs": [{"principal_type": "users", "sync_type": "existing"}, {"principal_type": "groups", "sync_type": "existing"}]}}' >/dev/null
echo "AmbariLdapSync complete at `date`"
exit 0
Created 11-06-2015 03:02 PM
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@Scott Shaw This looks great. Thanks for sharing it.