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How do I configure the CDSW to trust CA for the private docker registry


I am testing with cdsw 1.10.0, and there is a problem registering the custom ml-runtime in the runtime catalog.
The Docker registry is a private registry(gitlab) and TLS is applied. I followed the official document (, but the image isn't added in the Adding New ML Runtimes step.  The web pod log is as follows:

2023-10-12 16:38:59.956 7 INFO AppServer.RuntimeManager.grpc validateCustomRuntimeImage response data = [{"response":"1"},{"wrappers_":null,"arrayIndexOffset_":-1,"array": "2","pivot_":1.7976931348623157e+308,"convertedPrimitiveFields_":"3"},[null,"4","5"],{},"fetchImageMetaFailed","parseImageSourceFailed : error pinging docker registry <registry -server>: Get \"https://<registry-server>/v2/\": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"]

Because I set tls as a self-signed certificate in the Docker registry, I think I need to configure CA to trust, but I don't know how. I need help.