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How do I use Column Names of table in CASE Statement to assign Values and create another column in QUERY

New Contributor



I did enough google before coming to this forum.  I have table  Employee with following column Names (there are 40 columns)


Employee_ID,  Employee_Type, Employee_Tenure


I want to use these column names in CASE Statement as part of HIVE Query to assign value. 




Case when Column Name = 'Employee_Type' then 1 else 0

when Column Name = 'Employee_Tenure' then 2 else 0

end as Rank


I know I can "show columns in Employee" to get all column names. But I don't know how to refer output of this query in CASE statement


I also try to save results of Query into variable ( I could be wrong doing this )


set hivevar:col_names=(show columns in employee)

select '${hivevar:col_names}' 


but I get below error : Error while processing statement: Variable substitution depth is deeper than 40 for expression 


Any help appreciated. If my question is too naive or stupid - I apologize.   


Cloudera Employee

let table hwctest has 2 columns as below,

|         col_name         | data_type  | comment  |
| col1                     | string     |          |
| col2                     | string     |          |
| dt                       | date       |          |
|                          | NULL       | NULL     |
| # Partition Information  | NULL       | NULL     |
| # col_name               | data_type  | comment  |
| dt                       | date       |          |

getting column name from metadata and stored in temp var,

beeline -u "jdbcurl" --showHeader=false --outputformat=csv2 -e "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM sys.COLUMNS_V2 c JOIN sys.TBLS a ON c.CD_ID=a.TBL_ID where a.TBL_NAME='hwctest'" | tr "\n" "," > tmp

a=$(cat tmp)

 Passing col names as variable,

beeline -u "jdbcurl" --hivevar colName=${a%?}
0: jdbc:hive2://c2757-node3.coelab.cloudera.c> select case when array_contains(split('${colName}',','),'col1') then 1 else 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .> end as type
INFO  : Executing command(queryId=hive_20220218082727_46d036f4-7667-485a-a2c9-c5be158292d4): select case when array_contains(split('col1,col2',','),'col1') then 1 else 0
end as type
| type  |
| 1     |

replace the value col1 in your case.