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How does ambari get the domain name for the quick links?


I am scripting an ambari install to openstack and it works great, however one annoying aspect is the quicklinks are retrieving the cloud-init domain name despite the fact that it's been changed everywhere - kernel, etc/hostname, hostnamectl, etc. I.e. the links use the domain "novalocal" i.e. storm-server.novalocal:8772 instead of Ambari is retrieving the correct domain name elsewhere, just the links are wrong in the ui. Any idea how it's getting the domainname so that I can ensure that it's changed there before I go installing ambari?



@Mark Davis

Are you using OpenStack (cloud based environment) If yes then you will need to fix the host name as mentioned in the article:

This article explains how ambari distinguishes the "host_name" and "public_host_name" at every restart of the ambari-agents.

View solution in original post


Super Guru

@Mark Davis

You may have done all the following, but let's make sure and let me know your findings.

All hosts in your system must be configured for DNS and Reverse DNS. These quick links, "oddly", need a reverse DNS. For example, test if you can nslookup by IP and get the proper FQDN and nslookup by FQDN and get the proper IP address. If this does not work, your quicklinks will not work. You would have to manually enter the IP address on the quick link URL to bring the expected function.

If you are unable to configure DNS and Reverse DNS, you must edit the hosts file on every host in your cluster to contain the address of each of your hosts and to set the Fully Qualified Domain Name hostname of each of those hosts. The following instructions cover basic hostname network setup for generic Linux hosts:


thanks Constantin, I have working DNS both ways via designate service.


@Mark Davis

Are you using OpenStack (cloud based environment) If yes then you will need to fix the host name as mentioned in the article:

This article explains how ambari distinguishes the "host_name" and "public_host_name" at every restart of the ambari-agents.


Super answer and article, thanks Joy!


Joy and Constantin thanks so much for your quick responses. You were exactly right Joy - I am deploying to openstack, and the public_hostname as reported by ambari-agent was the item in my case. I have working DNS with designate so the hosts file entries should not have been necessary (I was trying to avoid this to more easily scale the cluster). Thanks a lot again, delighted to get this sorted!