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How to apply a condition on a map of a nested list using RecordPath language in UpdateRecord in Nifi

New Contributor

The feed json is like below:

    "orderId": "10000",
    "orderItems": [
        "orderItemSeqId": "10001",
        "productIdentifications": [
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "SKU",
            "idValue": "98706"
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "UPCA",
            "idValue": "98788"
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "HS_CODE",
            "idValue": "98790"
        "orderItemSeqId": "10002",
        "productIdentifications": [
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "SKU",
            "idValue": "98690"
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "UPCA",
            "idValue": "98698"
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "HS_CODE",
            "idValue": "98999"

Requirement- Prepare two new fields for each item of an order.

1. Style: idValue of productIdentification whose productIdentificationTypeId is SKU.

2. UPC: idValue of productIdentification whose productIdentificationTypeId is UPCA. 

The output json should be 


    "orderId": "10000",
    "orderItems": [
        "orderItemSeqId": "10001",
        "productIdentifications": [
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "SKU",
            "idValue": "98706"
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "UPCA",
            "idValue": "98788"
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "HS_CODE",
            "idValue": "98790"
        "Style": "98706",
        "UPC": "98788"
        "orderItemSeqId": "10002",
        "productIdentifications": [
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "SKU",
            "idValue": "98690"
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "UPCA",
            "idValue": "98698"
            "productIdentificationTypeId": "HS_CODE",
            "idValue": "98999"
        "Style": "98690",
        "UPC": "98698"


Tried this property in UpdateRecord using RecordPath language but it didn't work.

name: "/orderItems[*]/Style"

value: "/orderItems[*]/goodIdentifications[./goodIdentificationTypeId='SKU']/idValue"



Community Manager

@nidhipal Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our NiFi experts @SAMSAL @joseomjr  who may be able to assist you further.

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.


Diana Torres,
Community Moderator

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New Contributor

Hi @nidhipal 

Looks like you figured this out here,

The added RecordPath works.
 ../goodIdentifications[*][./goodIdentificationTypeId = "SKU"]/idValue

Thank you!