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How to configure Hue to work with Namenode HA, Resource Manager HA and Hive Server2 HA?


Master Guru

Namenode HA: Needs installation of httpfs:

However in my installation was a bug that httpfs install would not create the /etc/init.d/httpfs scripts so I manually had to link the folder from the httpfs installation directory. After that it worked.

ResourceManager is pretty straight forward, it is written in the hue config.

HiveServer2 HA: Not sure I would suppose Hive2 over http and an load balancer like HA proxy ( that would also be the way for oozie, ( see the answer to the oozie ha configuration question. )

View solution in original post


Master Guru

Namenode HA: Needs installation of httpfs:

However in my installation was a bug that httpfs install would not create the /etc/init.d/httpfs scripts so I manually had to link the folder from the httpfs installation directory. After that it worked.

ResourceManager is pretty straight forward, it is written in the hue config.

HiveServer2 HA: Not sure I would suppose Hive2 over http and an load balancer like HA proxy ( that would also be the way for oozie, ( see the answer to the oozie ha configuration question. )

Master Mentor

This is taken from internal notes/wiki

Install hadoop-httpfs on the same node as hue (specific to my situation) httpfs will inherit most configuration form Hadoop's default config directory, so, as long as this is on a client host, it will find everything fine. In HDFS's core-site.xml add entries for hadoop.proxyuser.httpfs.{groups,hosts} (*) Restart HDFS In /etc/hue/conf/hue.ini, set

webhdfs_url = http://<httpfshost>:14000/webhdfs/v1/

fs_defaultfs = hdfs://<NN HA cluster name> Restart httpfs/hue.

Expert Contributor

Hi @Neeraj Sabharwal

I followed the same steps and restarted httpfs and hue services but when I try to access hue filebrowser it is throwing exceptions. The only difference in this environment is hue is running on https and cluster is kerberized but not sure if it makes any difference. Can you please let me know how to trouble shoot this issue?

WebHdfsException at /filebrowser/

StandbyException: Operation category READ is not supported in state standby (error 403)
Request Method:GET
Request URL:https://falbdcdd0001v:8000/filebrowser/
Django Version:
Exception Type:WebHdfsException
Exception Value:
StandbyException: Operation category READ is not supported in state standby (error 403)
Exception Location:/usr/lib/hue/desktop/libs/hadoop/src/hadoop/fs/ in _stats, line 205
Python Executable:/usr/bin/python2.6
Python Version:

Expert Contributor

I followed the same steps on another cluster where we dont have hue https and kerberos and it is working as expected there. So i think there is a problem with either https and/or kerberos settings.

Master Mentor

@rbalam Look at Benjamin comments.