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How to create process-groups and apply custom policies to the processor via Nifi API

Rising Star

Hi All

I have a list of users that i have in an array.

I am trying to create a job in shell script that creates a process-group for each user and apply policy to that particular process group so that only that user and nifi's super user can access or operate in it 

here is how the polices config json looks like 













For each user in the array, the job iterates through globalAccessPolicies and componentLevelAccessPolicies and assigns permission to the user.

before assigning the componentLevelAccessPolicies the job creates an empty process-group to in the nifi canvas 
using the api 





nifi_api_request "process-groups/root/process-groups" "POST" "Content-Type: application/json" "{\"revision\":{\"version\":0},\"component\":{\"name\":\"${tenant}\",\"position\":{\"x\":${x},\"y\":${y}},\"comments\":\"Processor group for ${tenant}\"}}"





this returns a json from which the id of the process group is fetched 
then the Job uses the fetched ID, uses the componentLevelAccessPolicies array and tries to create a policy configuration using 





for policy in $(echo "${componentLevelAccessPolicies}" | jq -c '.[]'); do
                      resource=$(echo "${policy}" | jq -r '.resource')
                      action=$(echo "${policy}" | jq -r '.action')
                      policyConfig=$(echo '{
                                          "revision": {
                                            "version": 0
                                          "component": {
                                            "resource": "'${resource}'",
                                            "action": "'${action}'",
                                            "configurable": true,
                                            "users": [],
                                            "userGroups": []
                                        }' | jq .)

                      policyConfig=$(echo "${policyConfig}" | jq ".component.userGroups += [{\"revision\":{\"version\":0},\"id\":\"${tenant_superadmin_id}\",\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":true},\"component\":{\"id\":\"${processor_group_id}\",\"identity\":\"${tenant_superadmin}\",\"configurable\":true}}]")
                      policyConfig=$(echo "${policyConfig}" | jq ".component.userGroups += [{\"revision\":{\"version\":0},\"id\":\"${tenant_readonly_id}\",\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":false},\"component\":{\"id\":\"${processor_group_id}\",\"identity\":\"${tenant_readonly}\",\"configurable\":true}}]")
                      policyConfig=$(echo "${policyConfig}" | jq ".component.userGroups += [{\"revision\":{\"version\":0},\"id\":\"${nifi_superadmin_id}\",\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":true},\"component\":{\"id\":\"${processor_group_id}\",\"identity\":\"${nifi_superadmin}\",\"configurable\":true}}]")
                      policyConfig=$(echo "${policyConfig}" | jq ".component.userGroups += [{\"revision\":{\"version\":0},\"id\":\"${nifi_readonly_id}\",\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":false},\"component\":{\"id\":\"${processor_group_id}\",\"identity\":\"${nifi_readonly}\",\"configurable\":true}}]")

                      echo "policy Group Config: ${policyConfig}"
                      nifi_api_request "policies/" "POST" "Content-Type: application/json" "${policyConfig}"
                      echo -e "status ${status}"
                      echo -e "body ${body}"
                      [[ ${status} -eq 201 ]] || exit 1



The required Ids are fetched beforehand from the user groups 



 Since job is trying to create policy to each processor group, i have set  the http method as POST





      nifi_api_request "policies/" "POST" "Content-Type: application/json" "${policyConfig}"





in the Loop it creates a json paylod like this 





"revision": {
"version": 0
"component": {
"resource": "data-transfer/output-ports",
"action": "write",
"configurable": true,
"users": [],
"userGroups": [
"revision": {
"version": 0
"id": "9fd4eabd-5b6f-4a1d-8c5f-ca6049986d96",
"permissions": {
"canRead": true,
"canWrite": true
"component": {
"id": "9ef8a5e3-0195-1000-ffff-ffffb4a7b545",
"identity": "TenantID.john.nifi_superadmin",
"configurable": true
"revision": {
"version": 0
"id": "aba0f614-d09a-42ee-9081-3328c86fcd6e",
"permissions": {
"canRead": true,
"canWrite": false
"component": {
"id": "9ef8a5e3-0195-1000-ffff-ffffb4a7b545",
"identity": "TenantID.john.nifi_readonly",
"configurable": true
"revision": {
"version": 0
"id": "ebe9c88a-77d7-4070-bead-e24329b2e9c1",
"permissions": {
"canRead": true,
"canWrite": true
"component": {
"id": "9ef8a5e3-0195-1000-ffff-ffffb4a7b545",
"identity": "nifi_superadmin",
"configurable": true
"revision": {
"version": 0
"id": "95aedc49-20f6-4dad-95f5-c7311a66c353",
"permissions": {
"canRead": true,
"canWrite": false
"component": {
"id": "9ef8a5e3-0195-1000-ffff-ffffb4a7b545",
"identity": "nifi_readonly",
"configurable": true





the job did not throw any error for the first user in the loop ( though the process-group did not have the users assigned in the canvas PFA).


but when it run for the second user it returns 400 bad request 





status 409
body Found multiple policies for 'process-groups' with 'read'.





I have tried with configurations by setting the user-group id in the policy config json 





policyConfig=$(echo "${policyConfig}" | jq ".component.userGroups += [{\"revision\":{\"version\":0},\"id\":\"${tenant_superadmin_id}\",\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":true},\"component\":{\"id\":\"${tenant_superadmin_id}\",\"identity\":\"${tenant_superadmin}\",\"configurable\":true}}]")





This did not work, because processor group id is not linked
Can anyone please advise to how to set the policies uniquely for each process group so that only the user and super admins can access it?
From the canvas it is achievable, when i select override as empty, But i need this to be done via API call  
Thanks much for your time.





Rising Star

Update :

Solved it 

i was missing a '/' infront of the resources that i was providing 

it should have been 

"resource": "/data-transfer/output-ports/a2a202da-0195-1000-0000-000045d2086d",

instead of 

"resource": "data-transfer/output-ports/a2a202da-0195-1000-0000-000045d2086d",


comparing the policies created with UI and with API made me realize it 




View solution in original post


Rising Star

Note 2:

I have also tried to fetch the policy id from the processor and appending it a policy configuration 



nifi_api_request "policies/${action}${resource}" "GET"







gives a json 

job will fetch the ID of the policy 

the call the policy 


nifi_api_request "policies/${policyId}" "GET"



use policyConfig to append info where entity_id is the id of the user and entity_name is the name



policyConfig=$(echo ${body} | jq ".component.userGroups[.component.userGroups | length] |= {\"revision\":{\"version\":0},\"id\":\"${entity_id}\",\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":${canRead},\"canWrite\":${canWrite}},\"component\":{\"id\":\"${entity_id}\",\"identity\":\"${entity_name}\",\"configurable\":true}}")



This unfortunately started created large json and ended up assigning all the users access to all the process-groups 

Rising Star

Update :

i realized that I wasn't adding process-group id to the resources, so i added the process-group to the policy config json 


policy Group Config: {
  "revision": {
    "version": 0
  "permissions": {
    "canRead": true,
    "canWrite": true
  "component": {
    "resource": "data-transfer/output-ports/a2a202da-0195-1000-0000-000045d2086d",
    "action": "write",
    "configurable": true,
    "users": [],
    "userGroups": [
        "revision": {
          "version": 0
        "id": "3d872ce1-e08a-4794-85e5-66e5a1f2f4ac",
        "permissions": {
          "canRead": true,
          "canWrite": true
        "component": {
          "id": "3d872ce1-e08a-4794-85e5-66e5a1f2f4ac",
          "identity": "TenantID.john.nifi_superadmin",
          "configurable": true
        "revision": {
          "version": 0
        "id": "ebe9c88a-77d7-4070-bead-e24329b2e9c1",
        "permissions": {
          "canRead": true,
          "canWrite": true
        "component": {
          "id": "ebe9c88a-77d7-4070-bead-e24329b2e9c1",
          "identity": "nifi_superadmin",
          "configurable": true



where a2a202da-0195-1000-0000-000045d2086d is the id of the process group

all the policies were created with 201



when i try to access the policies of the process group , i don't see the respective user-group having privilege to it, it just has super admins in the list




Rising Star

Update :

Solved it 

i was missing a '/' infront of the resources that i was providing 

it should have been 

"resource": "/data-transfer/output-ports/a2a202da-0195-1000-0000-000045d2086d",

instead of 

"resource": "data-transfer/output-ports/a2a202da-0195-1000-0000-000045d2086d",


comparing the policies created with UI and with API made me realize it 
