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How to display specific number of yarn applications through YARN UI?



I have 179 entries through the YARN UI (ambari-server:8088) as shown in the "entries.png".

I need to display only the recent 50 entries.

How can i do it?


Expert Contributor

You can click on the "Show entries" drop down on the top left and select 60 (sorry by default I think 50 does not exist). Then you can click on the "StartTime" column header to sort by start time. Clicking on the "ID" column also typically gives you the same order (which is the default anyway).


@Gour Saha

Thank you for your reply.

My question may not be clear. I need to have only 50 entries in total and delete all the others applications.

I've deleted them from hdfs://ambari-server:8020/app-logs/spark/logs and their histories form hdfs://ambari-server:8020/spark2-history but they still figure through YARN UI. So, how can i just display the applications logs that are not deleted from HDFS?

Expert Contributor

Not sure why this comment went all the way to the top. In case you have missed, I am pasting it here again -

"Still not very sure if this is what you need, but this might help -

In Ambari go to YARN configs -> Advanced yarn-site -> set yarn.resourcemanager.max-completed-applications to 50"

Expert Contributor

Still not very sure if this is what you need, but this might help -

In Ambari go to YARN configs -> Advanced yarn-site -> set yarn.resourcemanager.max-completed-applications to 50