Created on 05-01-2020 01:02 AM - edited 05-01-2020 01:03 AM
We are running Hue as part of CDH 6.2 (and currently upgrading to 6.3.3). We have an AD group - hue-users - which is the base_dn in the CDH Hue config. This group controls basic access to Hue.
I would like to add another AD group. How do I do this?
For context, this is so that we can split permissions between groups. One group (hue-users) is for user access (all modules). The other is for unattended service accounts, so we only want them be able to access/schedule/run Oozie jobs.
Edit: they're all in the same AD realm, although not necessarily the same OU path.
My current config is (the numbers are for reading nested AD groups)
I've tried (with various brackets etc):
((memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=hue-users,OU=x,DC=x,DC=x,DC=x) || (memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=service-users,OU=x,DC=x,DC=x,DC=x))
None have worked. Any suggestions?
Created 05-03-2020 11:28 PM
Solved it. This works.
Created 05-03-2020 05:23 PM
EDIT: which is the base_dn in the CDH Hue config
It's the
Created 05-03-2020 11:28 PM
Solved it. This works.