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How to make dropped hive table status as inactive/deleted in apache atlas


Hi ,

I have apache atlas setup in place and hive hooks are up and running. All the hive create/update , lineages etc sowing in atlas.

Now I have dropped one hive table from Hive and  this same hive table entity is still showing up in apache atlas as ACTIVE. can someone suggest is this something expected or do we need to explicitly delete this entity from Atlas? 


Master Collaborator

Hi @bigdatacm 

Thanks for bringing up the issue.

To explicitly remove the entity from Atlas after dropping the Hive table, you can use the Atlas REST API or the Atlas UI to delete the entity.

UI - you can manually delete the entity from the Atlas UI by searching for the table and removing it.





thanks for getting back to me @shehbazk 

okay. Entities in Atlas remain in an ACTIVE state, even if they have been deleted from Hive ?

The only option is to delete via UI or Rest api calls ? 

Expert Contributor

@bigdatacm This is the one of  option is to delete the entity via the UI or REST API.

Expert Contributor

when a table is dropped from Hive, the corresponding entity in Atlas should ideally be marked as deleted. However, there are a few potential reasons why the entity might still be shown as active

1.Delayed Synchronization

2.Configuration Issue


ok. Thanks for your reply @vats 

I am getting all my entities updates in real time like create/update/alter of hive tables. so it might be configuration issue? By any chance do yo know where to look for delete hive operation configuration in atlas/hive? 

Expert Contributor

@bigdatacm  May be  the configuration for the Hive hook in Atlas is not properly set up. Ensure that the Atlas hook is correctly configured in the Hive configuration file (hive-site.xml). Check for any errors or warnings related to the hook configuration in the Atlas and Hive logs.