Created 12-15-2016 11:39 AM
I have few files as follows.
I need to fetch all these files using FileFetch processor. What should be the expression in the 'File To Fetch' property?
Created 12-15-2016 12:06 PM
You should place a ListFile processor in front of you FetchFile.
Alternatively, you could use GetFile, with these properties:
Input Directory: /a/b/c
File Filter: [^\.].* (or change regex if you are filtering specific files by filename pattern)
Note that GetFile does not have the configuration to move the file after processing (creating flowfile)
Created 12-15-2016 12:06 PM
You should place a ListFile processor in front of you FetchFile.
Alternatively, you could use GetFile, with these properties:
Input Directory: /a/b/c
File Filter: [^\.].* (or change regex if you are filtering specific files by filename pattern)
Note that GetFile does not have the configuration to move the file after processing (creating flowfile)
Created 12-15-2016 12:24 PM
Thanks for the response Greg. My actual problem is to check for files in a directory and send an email notofication is there are none. Could you please suggest me something?
Created 12-15-2016 12:42 PM
@NAVEEN KUMAR I would post that as a separate question, since it is different from the question you posed. (You will also get more exposure)