Created 07-20-2016 06:55 PM
I have experience using Hive with Ambari. However, I would like to use Hive on the RDP2.4VM with RStudio using R. Simply put, connecting to the hortonwork vm remotely using R. If a user has done this, can they please tell me here how to do this and also where to find literature online on how to accomplish this if it is documented? I would also appreciate any tips on how to set up the dependencies if this was accomplished using rHive.
Thanks, Heath
Created 07-20-2016 10:15 PM
link for RStudio Commercial pro Version: Pro will work for 45 days without license.
Download Server:
URL for connecting Remotely
http://<SandBox IP:8787/auth-sign-in
Created 07-21-2016 01:42 AM
I still am getting the error for step 4. You mentioned rhdfs and rhive are both the same. Which is newer and which one should I be using in R then? I am just trying to get Hive functionality in my Rscripts. Thanks. 🙂
Created 07-21-2016 01:48 AM
I think we are close? The error states 'BUILD FAILED' at /root/Rhive/build.xml:39: /root/RHive/usr/hdp/current/hive-server2/lib does not exist'. Shouldn't it be looking in /usr/hdp/current and not in /root/Rhive? Not sure what build.xml is doing. 😞
Created 07-21-2016 01:53 AM
you can try tar.gz file from below link if you have an issue with Build.xml
R CMD INSTALL RHive_2.0-0.10.tar.gz
Created 07-21-2016 02:02 AM
I'm not sure if this will fix the problem. I will try, but curios as to why you suggest this? I think this original question I asked here has been resolved, but this ant build problem has merited a separate question and asked it here.
Created 07-21-2016 12:17 AM
Here is a broken tutorial. I think we need the updated HADOOP_HOME and HIVE paths. Can someone please help? See tutorial for details.