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How to remove all files greater than 100 files in folder or remove all files older than 10days in Hadoop shell script

New Contributor

Hello all,


I am new to both shell script and hadoop. 

I would like to remove files which satisfy either 1 condition in a folder. 

condition 1: remove all files more than 100 file counts in the folder.

condition 2: remove all files older than 10 days in the same folder. 


I have a shell script which did removing file older than 10 days only. But I don't know how to modify the script when I want to add another condition of removing files more than 100 file counts in the folder. 



processStart=`date -d "$start_time" '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`
psnew=`date -d "$processStart" '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'`
now=`date -d "$psnew" +'%s'`
hadoop fs -count $PATH_ARCH/*.txt
for FILE in `hdfs dfs -ls  $PATH_ARCH/File_*.txt | sort -rk6,7 | tail -n 100 | grep wav | awk '{print $8}'`; do
    filename=(${FILE//// })
    fileTimestamp=`hadoop fs -ls $FILE | awk '{print $6,$7}'`
    fileTimestampsec=`date -d "$fileTimestamp" +'%s'`
    time_difference=$((($now - $fileTimestampsec)/(60*60*24)))
    if [[ $time_difference -gt 10 ]]; then
       hadoop fs -rm -skipTrash $FILE


Thank you.



Super Collaborator

In Hadoop, you can use the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) shell commands to remove files that meet certain criteria, such as being older than a certain number of days or greater than a certain number of files in a folder. You can achieve this using HDFS shell commands in a shell script. Here's how you can do it:

To remove all files greater than 100 files in a folder:

  • hadoop fs -count -q -h <folder_path>: This command retrieves a count of files in the specified folder, along with their sizes and other information.

  • awk '$2 > 100 {print $3}': This awk command filters the output to select only those file paths where the file count is greater than 100.

  • xargs -I {} hadoop fs -rm {}: This part of the command reads the file paths provided by awk and deletes those files using hadoop fs -rm

To remove all files older than 10 days in a folder:


hadoop fs -ls <folder_path> | awk -v cutoff=$(date -d "10 days ago" +%s) '{if ($6 < cutoff) print $8}' | xargs -I {} hadoop fs -rm {}


  • hadoop fs -ls <folder_path>: This command lists the files in the specified folder.

  • awk -v cutoff=$(date -d "10 days ago" +%s) '{if ($6 < cutoff) print $8}': This awk command calculates the timestamp for 10 days ago and compares it to the modification timestamps of the files. It selects files with modification timestamps older than 10 days.

  • xargs -I {} hadoop fs -rm {}: This part of the command reads the file paths provided by awk and deletes those files using hadoop fs -rm.