Created 06-30-2018 02:49 PM
Can some one point me in right direction of how to setup KAFKA cluster on HDP platform.
To setup kafka clusters usually we add,2,3... but hortonworks doesn't provide this option to add in thr..
Issue: is when i try to create kafka topics i am able to create with 2,3 partitions and replicas 2,3.. but starting consumer and producer start throwing exception unknown topic or partition. My guess is it;s due to kafka HA configuration..
Created 07-02-2018 06:50 AM
Hey @Pankaj Singh!
Not sure if I get it right, but, how are you consuming/producing to/from kafka topics?
Through kafka-console-consumer/kafka-console-producer?
Could you share with us the output from the following commands?
[root@node2 ~]# --zookeeper node1:2181,node2:2181,node3:2181 --describe --topic vini Topic:vini PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:message.timestamp.type=LogAppendTime Topic: vini Partition: 0 Leader: 1001 Replicas: 1001,1002,1003 Isr: 1002,1003,1001 Topic: vini Partition: 1 Leader: 1002 Replicas: 1002,1003,1001 Isr: 1002,1003,1001 Topic: vini Partition: 2 Leader: 1003 Replicas: 1003,1001,1002 Isr: 1002,1003,1001 [root@node2 ~]# --broker-list node2:6667 --topic vini >testing testing >this is a test >hcc
[root@node2 ~]# --bootstrap-server node2:6667 --topic vini --from-beginning this is a test testing testing hcc [root@node2 ~]# zookeeper-client [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 9] ls /brokers/topics/vini/partitions [0, 1, 2]
Hope this helps!
Created 07-02-2018 06:50 AM
Hey @Pankaj Singh!
Not sure if I get it right, but, how are you consuming/producing to/from kafka topics?
Through kafka-console-consumer/kafka-console-producer?
Could you share with us the output from the following commands?
[root@node2 ~]# --zookeeper node1:2181,node2:2181,node3:2181 --describe --topic vini Topic:vini PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:message.timestamp.type=LogAppendTime Topic: vini Partition: 0 Leader: 1001 Replicas: 1001,1002,1003 Isr: 1002,1003,1001 Topic: vini Partition: 1 Leader: 1002 Replicas: 1002,1003,1001 Isr: 1002,1003,1001 Topic: vini Partition: 2 Leader: 1003 Replicas: 1003,1001,1002 Isr: 1002,1003,1001 [root@node2 ~]# --broker-list node2:6667 --topic vini >testing testing >this is a test >hcc
[root@node2 ~]# --bootstrap-server node2:6667 --topic vini --from-beginning this is a test testing testing hcc [root@node2 ~]# zookeeper-client [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 9] ls /brokers/topics/vini/partitions [0, 1, 2]
Hope this helps!
Created 07-02-2018 07:44 AM
I apology for not putting the answer earlier. I was able to resolve the issue. Issue was due to ranger policy setup on Kafka topics.
After turning off the ranger policy it works out of the box. Kafka cluster creates a folder. HDP infra setups the Kafka in cluster from start