Created 03-02-2017 03:53 AM
HBase HA documentation says:
"Once running two or more HBase Masters, HBase uses ZooKeeper for coordination of the active Master."
Can you give me more detail on how to use Zookeeper to coordinate two HBase master servers? Also what changes a client program needs to make, which was referring to the original HBase Master earlier?
For example: After making NN HA, we always use nameservice, instead of nn1 or nn2.
Created 03-02-2017 04:34 AM
Manish Gupta in Hbase HA zookeeper cordinate to make one of the Hbase master active , and rest of them are standby. and we need to configure following properties in case of HA at client side too:
Created 03-02-2017 04:34 AM
Manish Gupta in Hbase HA zookeeper cordinate to make one of the Hbase master active , and rest of them are standby. and we need to configure following properties in case of HA at client side too:
Created 03-02-2017 05:58 AM
Thanks @Deepak Sharma
How about Hive HA? Does Zookeeper do the same for Multiple Hive Server2 & Hive-Metastore? What changes do we need to make at client side for Hive HA?
Created 03-02-2017 07:10 AM
Manish Gupta in case of hive ha also you can connect to HiveServer2 JDBC URL that contains zookeeper for eg: jdbc:hive2://<zk1>:2181,<zk2>2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2,
this is explained very well in this doc , you can refer the same under Query Execution Path With ZooKeeper topic
Created 03-02-2017 02:43 PM
Awesome. Thanks for the link.