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Hue installation HDP 2.4 and RHEL7

Super Collaborator

HDP 2.4 installed using Ambari

I followed the steps in the documentation, however I have hit the follow error :

[root@l4377t ~]# cd /usr/lib/hue
[root@l4377t hue]#
[root@l4377t hue]#
[root@l4377t hue]# source build/env/bin/activate
(env)[root@l4377t hue]# pip install psycopg2
python2.6: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

As mentioned in this thread, Hue was NOT supported on RHEL/CentOS 7 - is this still valid ? If yes, how shall I proceed with the Hue installation ? Are there any alternatives in HDP for Hue ?



@Kaliyug Antagonist

Hue requires Python 2.6 while RHEL/CentOS 7 uses Python 2.7. This is why Hue is not supported on RHEL/CentOS 7. There are alternatives in Ambari for most of the functionality provided by Hue. Amber includes views for Hive access, HDFS File management, YARN queue management, Pig scripting, and Tez job management. The only functionality of Hue that isn't covered by Ambari Views is the Oozie Workflow creation. This functionality is coming soon in Ambari. Please see the Ambari Views documentation for more information.

If you need to use Hue for Oozie workflow management, You can install Hue on a RHEL/CentOS 6 node and configure it to point to your HDP cluster.

View solution in original post



@Kaliyug Antagonist

Hue requires Python 2.6 while RHEL/CentOS 7 uses Python 2.7. This is why Hue is not supported on RHEL/CentOS 7. There are alternatives in Ambari for most of the functionality provided by Hue. Amber includes views for Hive access, HDFS File management, YARN queue management, Pig scripting, and Tez job management. The only functionality of Hue that isn't covered by Ambari Views is the Oozie Workflow creation. This functionality is coming soon in Ambari. Please see the Ambari Views documentation for more information.

If you need to use Hue for Oozie workflow management, You can install Hue on a RHEL/CentOS 6 node and configure it to point to your HDP cluster.

Super Collaborator


Oozie workflow mgt. isn't required right away but the Ambari views for Hive etc. would be. I have the following questions :5594-ambari-views.png

  • All the views can be accessed AFTER logging in Ambari - what approach should be taken to make these views available to end-users registered in some corporate LDAP groups ?

  • I can see the Hive but NOT the Pig view. Is it that it needs to be configured manually to be visible ?

  • Nothing happens when I click on the Files view ? Does this need to be configured separately ? If this view exists, what is the use of the NN UI -> Utilities -> Browse file system ?


@Kaliyug Antagonist

You will typically need to do some configuration on the views to make them work properly. In a secured cluster, you have to specify all of the parameters for connecting to the particular service instead of using the "Local Cluster" configuration drop down. The Ambari Views Documentation contains instructions for configuring all of the various views.