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I am submitting a job through yarn rest api (user: dr.who) and it is initiating a job itself with another application id (user: kirankathe)


I am submitting job through yarn rest api, and it is creating duplicate job with another application id,after a 5-10 seconds.

The job which I have submitted through yarn rest api is being failed and the duplicate job is being succeeded.


yarn submitted application looks like :

Application Node Label expression: <DEFAULT_PARTITION>
AM container Node Label expression:<DEFAULT_PARTITION>

Duplicate job application looks like:
Application Node Label expression:<Not set>
AM container Node Label expression:<DEFAULT_PARTITION>


I tried with changing the configurations for the application node label expression by adding the following property in the yarn-site.xml:

<value>Not set</value>

and tried to specify the application node label expression through the rest api.
But no use of it ,I am thinking that if I am able to change the yarn application node label expression to <Not set> problem will be solved.If any knows or experienced this before please help me. Thanks in advance.Screenshot from 2023-02-06 17-50-22.pngScreenshot from 2023-02-06 21-56-59.pngScreenshot from 2023-02-06 22-08-30.png


Rising Star

In addition to looking at the application logs here
You can check for user permissions for your queue a.

  1. In the "Queue Details" section (YARN Queue Manager UI), scroll down to the "Access Control" subsection.

  2. In the "Access Control" section, you will see a table that lists the users and groups that have been granted permissions to submit jobs to the queue, and the type of permissions that have been granted (e.g. "Submit Application", "Administer Queue", etc.).