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I am trying to build a Kafka Producer using Java and Maven.


I am trying to build a Kafka Producer using Java and Maven. According to this article ( I have to modify the pom.xml file in order to use the org.apache.kafka dependency. Unnfortunatelly, when I build the project, the following error is shown:


[INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building abud 1.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.3:resources (default-resources) @ abud --- [WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent! [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /root/Documents/MavenExamples/abud/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile (default-compile) @ abud --- [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /root/Documents/MavenExamples/abud/target/classes [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 0.607s [INFO] Finished at: Sun Jan 29 00:49:27 EST 2017 [INFO] Final Memory: 15M/483M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile (default-compile) on project abud: Compilation failure [ERROR] /root/Documents/MavenExamples/abud/src/main/java/com/tecnisys/[20,19] error: generics are not supported in -source 1.3 [ERROR] -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1]



Master Mentor

@Rafael Menezes

The reason for build failure seems to be the following:

[ERROR] /root/Documents/MavenExamples/abud/src/main/java/com/tecnisys/[20,19] error: generics are not supported in -source 1.3 [ERROR] -> [Help 1] 


Which indicates that in your "com.tecnisys.App" ( code you are using Java Generics feature which is not available in "Source 1.3" . Hence please check your pom.xml file to see if you are using any "maven-compiler-plugin" there. If yes then try changing the "source" and "target" version to 1.6/1.7 ..etc




Thanks, Jay. Now it works, but instead of 1.6 I put 1.8.

Unfortunatelly now I have a new error. The compiler says:

[ERROR] /root/Documents/MavenExamples/abud/src/main/java/com/tecnisys/[25,2] error: cannot find symbol

The code is:

package com.tecnisys; import java.util.*;

public class App { public static void main( String[] args ) {

System.out.println( "Hello Life!" );

Properties properties = new Properties();

properties.put("", "localhost:9092");

properties.put("bootstrap.servers","comma-seperated-list-of-brokers"); properties.put("key.serializer","org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer");// key serializer properties.put("value.serializer","org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"); //value serializer properties.put("acks","1"); //message durability -- 1 mean ack after writing to leader is success. value of "all" means ack after replication.

properties.put("security.protocol","SASL_PLAINTEXT"); // Security protocol to use for communication. properties.put("batch.size","16384");// maximum size of message

KafkaProducer<String,String> producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(properties); } }

Master Mentor

@Rafael Menezes

Good to know that initial issue is resolved. You can use 1.6/ 1.7/ 1.8 anything there (but not any version prior to 1.5). Because Generics feature was introduce in prior to 1.5 version.

Regarding your new compilation error , we will need to exactly see the line number "25" of your code ""

[ERROR] /root/Documents/MavenExamples/abud/src/main/java/com/tecnisys/[25,2] error: cannot find symbol


Can you please paste the code in correct formatting so that we can see what is there at line "25" that is causing compilation error.




thanks for the very quick reply. Here is the code I put in line 25:

KafkaProducer<String,String> producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(properties);

Master Mentor

@Rafael Menezes

Also looks like in your code the following import statement is missing:

import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;


Please add proper dependency for this class in your pom.xml as well. Something like following:




The POM was Ok.

I only put import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;

I thought that the mention in the pom would be enough. Until this point it is ok. Thanks a lot, Jay!


Dear Jay,

I couldnt use the KafkaProducer class. The following erros was shown:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/KafkaProducer at com.tecnisys.App.main( Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 1 more

I import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer and put org.apache.kafka as a dependency in pom.xml.

Master Mentor

@Rafael Menezes

Good to see that now you are able to compile your code/build fine.

However this time the error is more of "RunTime" (not compile time). As following:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/KafkaProducer 
at com.tecnisys.App.main( 
Caused by: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer 

Your classpath is not correctly pointing to the kafka-client jar.

Please see a complete demo here:


If you are running your code manually then you might do the following:

export CLASSPATH = $CLASSPATH:/PATH/TO/kafka-client.jar:.:
java com.tecnisys.App




maybe I need to study a lot more Maven, but in at my knowledge this POM is enough to reference kafka-clients, isn't it?

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
































