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I cant connect to ambari dashboard


Hi all,

i am new, and i have problems to log with ambari dashboard.

I am using VM of sandboox and i have asigned 4 gb of RAM to VM. My friend used this ram and he doesnt problems.

I used puTTy for connect to my VM, with root and port 2222.

I installed all, and when i try to connect to ambari dashboard i have "Loading" in the page (several hours) and i am not able to connect.

I prove the next:

i) ambari-server status-----> Running

ii) ambari-agent status------> Running

iii) service postgresql status---> Running

iv) Service iptables status------> Firewall not running

v) sestatus ---------------------> Disable

vi) netstat -pan | grep 8080 ---------------------> Listen port 8080

vii) ifconfig --------------> eth (

viii) Prove in others navigators too (Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Chrome)

But my picture during hours is:

Can be the memory ram? or the navigator that block the ip? I dont know why this problem exist!

Thank you very much



Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

Don't ignore ...Yes memory is very important, you MUST have a minimum of 8GB to run a sandbox the more you have the better and that the hortonworks recommendation

Can you try these 2 curl commands to validate
Check Ambari status

curl -u admin:admin -G http://ambari_host:8080/api/v1/check 

Desired output <?xml version="1.0"?><status> RUNNING</status>

Check HDFS status

curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-by:ambari" -i -k -X GET http://<AMBARI_HOST>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<CLUSTER_NAME>/services/HDFS/

Remember to replace the ambari_host and cluster_name with your actual value your cluster name should be sandbox I think

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

Your memory is quite below the recommended size 8 GB, and why are you struggling and using an OLD sandbox

If you want to turn on maintenance mode for some components here is the link to the snippets


Thank you Geoffrey!!

I choose sandbox because the requirements al below that other versions, so i though that it could be run.

I see that there is low memory,and i will have with run services in ambari. So solutions are put more memory or use azure HDP 2.5 because my friend say me that is more optimized and i will not have problems!

What is your recomendation?

Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

Regarding your query:

I see that there is low memory,and i will have with run services in ambari. So solutions are put more memory or use azure HDP 2.5 because my friend say me that is more optimized and i will not have problems!

>>> You will need atleast 8 GB RAM to run the HDP Sandbox

The Stuck Ambari Desktop is due to the memory lack. Azure can be another best option however with 8GB memory your current Sandbox also should run fine.

The Note from the Sandbox Minimum requirement section:

A computer with at least 8 GB of RAM to spare.
Note: Make sure to allocate at least 8 GB (8192 MB) of RAM for the sandbox.



Thank you very much!!, i learned very much with yours. Sometimes, we have more that we need and, for this, we have to manage resources, but i admit, more memory is necessary, and i will put more memory!!.

Thank you very much again!!

Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

If this answers your query then please mark this HCC thread as answered by clicking on "Accept" link on the correct answer, That way it will help other HCC users to quickly find the answers.

Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

It depends on your project implementation but it's always advisable to use the latest software in this case sandbox 2.5 or 2.6.x. Unfortunately, you won't get good or a lot of HCC support on very old sandbox releases.

And please allocate 8 GB or more RAM to your sandbox personally I prototype with 14GB RAM. Yes, to run Ambari you will need at least 8GB of RAM otherwise you go the API way 🙂 but visual access is also good to get to understand ...


Thank you very much Geoffrey! My project now is learn and understand this tools. I will study API way too. Can be a solution in some times. But like you say, visual access is good to get understand!!. I will put more memory. It is good advice! Thank you very much. I am glad that in this forum there is good people too!!

Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

Thank you were are there to help each other ...... So it's better you close this thread as it's now irrelevant and very long until you upgrade your memory.

You can accept any of the responses if that helped you. Be assured HCC is a nice place to get help a lot of enthusiastic guys in here .