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I tried to install kerberos in the hadoop cluster. i see the following error on all the hosts. On host eursrcux999 role KERBEROS_CLIENT in invalid state. Invalid transition. Invalid event: HOST_SVCCOMP_OP_IN_PROGRESS at INSTALL_FAILED


@sunil kanthety

You seem to be in an interesting state. What version of Ambari are you running?

For the issue you posted where the error is "Security is enabled, but JCE policy zip is not specified". Check your file for a property named "". The file listed there should exist in /var/lib/ambari-server/resources. If the property or the file does not exist we need to investigate why. For starters, what version of Java are you using and did you have ambari-server setup install it or did you install Java manually?

When enabling Kerberos via the UI. Does a button allowing you to skip the failed stage appear? If so, you should be able to click that and continue with the disable process. Once you complete disabling Kerberos, you should make sure that the Kerberos service is removed by issuing the following REST API call:

DELETE /api/v1/clusters/CLUSTERNAME/services/KERBEROS 

For example, using curl on a cluster named C1 where the administrator username and password have not be changed from the default values:

curl -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -u admin:admin -X DELETE "http://<AMBARI-SERVER>:8080/api/v1/clusters/C1/services/KERBEROS

After this, you should be able to retry enabling Kerberos again.

View solution in original post


@sunil kanthety

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Accumulo issues.

Does the issue correct itself when Kerberos is re-enabled?


Hi Robert,

I tried to enable kerberos from the ambari UI. This time it fails indicating with the following error:

An internal system exception occurred; Unexpected error condition executing kadmin command

Could you please let me know which variable needs to be set. Iw as looking in your AMBARI-10047, but could not find the solution.


Is there anything relevant in the ambari-server-log. I need more information than "unexpected error condition" to provide help on this.

Master Guru

@sunil kanthety

I have resolved similar issue today for one of our customer, here are the details

1. Removed KERBEROS_CLIENT for problematic hosts using below curl call

curl -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -u admin:admin -X DELETE "http://<AMBARI-SERVER>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<cluster-name>/hosts/<host-name>/host_components/KERBEROS_CLIENT

2. Ensure from Ambari UI that KERBEROS_CLIENT got removed.

3. From Ambari UI --> goto the problematic host --> click on Add button --> select Kerberos Client


4. Installation should complete without any issue.


@Kuldeep Kulkarni, Hi, I have tried the same. Even after installing the kerberos client Manuallly, I get the same error.

not sure, why the Test Kerberos client fails, I need to skip that and go to second page.

* All the hosts got the Kerberos client installed.

Kerberos Clients3 Kerberos Clients Installed



I ran into the same issue. The Ambari server logs at `/var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log` showed:

Failed to execute kadmin:
    Command: /usr/bin/kadmin -s -p kadmin/admin@EXAMPLE.COM -w ******** -r EXAMPLE.COM -q "get_principal kadmin/admin@EXAMPLE.COM"
        ExitCode: 1
    STDOUT: Authenticating as principal kadmin/admin@EXAMPLE.COM with password.
    STDERR: kadmin: Communication failure with server while initializing kadmin interface

Sure enough I had forgotten to start the kadmin service on the KDC. After running `/etc/init.d/kadmin start` the error went away. HTH.