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Impala query error

New Contributor

Please note that the previous text was translated using a translator, so it might sound a bit awkward. I apologize for any confusion.

I’m encountering an issue where everything runs fine initially, but sometimes I experience this error. Could anyone help me understand what might be causing it?


[Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500051) ERROR processing query/statement. Error Code: ExecuteStatement failed: out of sequence response: expected 6 but got 5, SQL state: HY000,

Query: select * from (SELECT tool_path,tag,act_time,value,row_number() over (partition by tool_path,tag order by act_time desc) as rownum FROM `X`.`Y` WHERE (tag like 'A%' or tag like 'B%' or tag like 'C%' or tag like 'D%' or tag like 'E%' or tag like 'F%' or tag like 'G%' or tag like 'H%' or tag like 'I%' or tag like 'J%' or tag like 'K%' or tag like 'L%' or tag like 'M%' or tag like 'N%' or tag like 'O%' or tag like 'P%' or tag like 'Q%' or tag like 'R%' or tag like 'S%' or tag like 'T%' or tag like 'U%') and act_time BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 HOUR) AND NOW() and param_type = 'M') a where rownum=1.


Community Manager

@ysong26,Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged our Impala experts @ChethanYM  @willx  who may be able to assist you further.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query, and we hope that you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
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Master Collaborator

@ysong26 The "out of sequence response" error suggests that the Impala JDBC driver expected a specific response sequence but received an unexpected one.

This can happen due to network latency, dropped packets, or an issue in the client-server communication.

See if you have set high value for "defaultRowBatchSize" property, If yes you can lower it and check which JDBC driver version you are using try to use the latest version available and see if that helps.

Also verify if any network issues in the system.



Chethan YM





Community Manager

@ysong26 Did the response assist in resolving your query? If it did, kindly mark the relevant reply as the solution, as it will aid others in locating the answer more easily in the future. 


Vidya Sargur,
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