We are on Impala Shell v2.8.0-cdh5.11.1 community edition
SSL is enabled but no sentry
Executed a command refresh schema.table
17:15:14 Query: refresh hbasestage.raw_transactions
17:15:14 Query submitted at: 2018-02-06 01:15:14 (Coordinator: http://hadoop4-private.wdc01.infra.ripple.com:25000)
03:21:40 Query progress can be monitored at: http://hadoop4-private.wdc01.infra.ripple.com:25000/query_plan?query_id=984250bf5d880d33:fddc42d100000000
03:21:40 Fetched 0 row(s) in 36385.13s
There has to be a better way
Table is normally populated by Hive, so refresh is required for impala to recognize new partitions
Table has 1861 partitions - total 1.28 TB of data, each partition is no bigger than 3GB (partition is by date)
Files are avro but that shouldn't impact it (should it?)
Yarn does NOT manage resources