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Impossible to see tables from Impala in a Security Zone


Hello everyone,

recently on Ranger, we noticed that when enabling users in a security zone, they are unable to see tables in a database through Impala. When connecting via JDBC through the command line or directly from HUE, they can view the tables and their respective data, but if all of this is done through Impala, they have no visibility at all.

We have 4 clusters, and all of them have the same type of configuration and permissions, but we encounter the issue in 3 of these clusters. All configurations in Ranger have been checked and appear to be correct in all environments.

At this point, I have no idea where to begin the analysis of the problem.

Also, there are no access issues reported from Ranger to tables in the security zone, and there are no error logs or access denied logs.
I realize that without providing an error log, it's difficult to conduct an analysis, but perhaps some of you have suggestions on where to start investigating the problem.

Have any of you ever encountered a similar case?



Cloudera Employee

What Impala command are you running and what is the error ?


Hello @James G 

the only mistake is the lack of display of the tables. Unfortunately, I have no way to execute any command on Impala.



Expert Contributor

Hi @HadoopHero, can you please check if ranger impala plugins are syncing. go to ranger UI--> audit--> plugin status --> search for impala and attach screenshot

Expert Contributor

It seems the Impala plugins were not syncing check the impala logs and fix the plugin issue