Created 05-04-2016 12:07 PM
I have followed the steps to install the metron topologies and UI in HDP sandbox 2.4.
Maven Installation in CentOs
$ sudo tar xzf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz -C /usr/local
$ cd /usr/local
$ sudo ln -s apache-maven-3.3.9 maven
Download and Build Metron
tar -zxvf apache-metron-0.1BETA-RC7-incubating.tar.gz
cd incubator-metron-Metron_0.1BETA_rc7
mvn apache-rat:check && cd metron-streaming && mvn clean integration-test && cd ..
Deploy Storm Topologies
storm jar target/Metron-Topologies-0.1BETA.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --remote src/main/resources/Metron_Configs/topologies/bro/remote.yaml --filter src/main/resources/Metron_Configs/etc/env/
storm jar target/Metron-Topologies-0.1BETA.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --remote src/main/resources/Metron_Configs/topologies/enrichment/remote.yaml --filter src/main/resources/Metron_Configs/etc/env/
storm jar target/Metron-Topologies-0.1BETA.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --remote src/main/resources/Metron_Configs/topologies/snort/remote.yaml --filter src/main/resources/Metron_Configs/etc/env/
storm jar target/Metron-Topologies-0.1BETA.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --remote src/main/resources/Metron_Configs/topologies/yaf/remote.yaml --filter src/main/resources/Metron_Configs/etc/env/
yum install -y libpcap-dev tshark redis-server nodejs npm
yum install libpcap-devel
yum install wireshark
$ wget
$ tar xzvf redis-2.8.3.tar.gz
$ cd redis-2.8.3
$ make
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
npm install -g pm2
mkdir /opt/portal
cd /root/incubator-metron-Metron_0.1BETA_rc7/metron-ui
cp -r * /opt/portal
cd /opt/portal/
[root@sandbox portal]# cat config.json
"elasticsearch": { "url": "http://host:port" },
"redis": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379
"ldap": {
"url": "ldap://",
"searchBase": "dc=metron,dc=dev",
"searchFilter": "(mail={{username}})",
"searchAttributes": ["cn", "uid", "mail", "givenName", "sn", "memberOf"],
"adminDn": "cn=admin,dc=metron,dc=dev",
"adminPassword": "metron"
"permissions": {
"pcap": "cn=investigators,ou=groups,dc=metron,dc=dev"
Now after all this steps:
- Storm topology are deployed sucessfully.
But I am not able to access the Metron UI, not sure how do I access it , on which port? I tired for 5000 and it didn't work.
Created 05-05-2016 03:55 AM
I would suggest that you use the provided Ansible scripts to perform the deployment. Doing it all manually is quite a challenge and easy to mess up.
Created 05-05-2016 03:55 AM
I would suggest that you use the provided Ansible scripts to perform the deployment. Doing it all manually is quite a challenge and easy to mess up.
Created 05-11-2016 05:19 PM
Thanks nallen. Finally able to build a VM with everything installed and ready to explore. The next action item is to install it in a cluster.