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Install agent get fail to authenticate

Rising Star

Fail to authen.PNGI am setting up a stand-alone CDP cluster. However, getting errors when doing the agents installation steps. 

I can SSH to this host from another instance using both password and private key. Therefore, I can't figure out the reason.

Here are the error messages

error message1.PNGerror message2.PNG

Please let me know if I need to provide more information. Thanks in advance!



Rising Star

The problem is solved. It is caused by file permission. Solved this problem by executing the follow commands:

chmod 700 /home/user/.ssh

chmod 600 /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys




Hello, i'm getting same error and i use ur solution, but it still error, can u help me?

Rising Star

Do you confirm that you can do login from one node to another node using ssh?

New Contributor

I can ssh into the machine using both my user and the root user but both fail to authenticate on the Install Agents page, I've tried disabling ufw but am still not able to get past the Install Agents page on the install wizard