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Install of HDP fails with "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'usr'" for App Timeline Server Install



the HDP install (with ambari) fails in step "App Timeline Server Install". The error message is:

resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Execution of '  -H -E touch /var/lib/ambari-agent/data/hdp-select-set-all.performed ; /usr/bin/hdp-select set all `ambari-python-wrap /usr/bin/hdp-select versions | grep ^2.3 | tail -1`' returned 1. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/hdp-select", line 378, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/hdp-select", line 235, in printVersions
    result[tuple(map(int, versionRegex.split(f)))] = f
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'usr'
ERROR: set command takes 2 parameters, instead of 1

usage: hdp-select [-h] [<command>] [<package>] [<version>]

Set the selected version of HDP.

positional arguments:

Does it matter if the /usr/hdp directory already exists (is a symlink to a partition with enough space and is empty) ?

Thanks Peter.



I have added the value "usr" to the list on line 234 in script /usr/bin/hdp-select and it seems to work. I did not run any cleanup. The HDP version is

View solution in original post



I had this same issue when trying to upgrade from HDP 2.3 to HDP 2.4. This is a bug (or serious weakness) in script /usr/bin/hdp-select which does not tolerate any other files or subdirectories under your root folder (in my case /usr/hdp ). This folder should only contain two sub-folders, one named current and one with a version-number of current HDP.

I had places a backup folder in there and got the same install error

ValueError: invalid literal forint()withbase10:'backup'

when trying to install Grafana according to Ambari upgrade documentation.

My fix (instead of modifying the script as above) was to move my backupfolder from that folder to a different location (or to remove it all together if not needed).

A agree with the fix proposed by @patrick o'leary

Rising Star

This worked for me

Rising Star

Just removed the extra directories expect the current and other one it worked


Thanks. I had created few folder under /usr/hdp and faced same issue.

It's a good practice to not to create any files, folders under /usr/hdp as the script doesn't like it.

Easy to move/create the folders (Thank modifying the script) somewhere else if required.

And that solves my issue!

Expert Contributor

This is a known issue with /usr/bin/hdp-select script. The script does not honor any dir except from "CURRENT" and other HDP stack versions. There is an exception in few HDP version where it can tolerate "Share" and "lost+found" folders. You can remove anything except these folder to another location and try again.