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Installing Impala ODBC Driver on a CML Project - Running as sudo in CML


I want to establish an ODBC connection to my Impala data warehouse in a CML project. I'm running a CML session and have configured my odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files, but I need to install the driver. Everything I see here describes installing it via the installation wizard.

Since CML runs a linux pod, I tried downloading the .deb file for the ODBC driving and then executing `dpkg clouderaimpalaodbc_2.7.2.1011-2_amd64.deb` but it has to be as root. If I run `su` it asks for a password. I'm not sure how this password gets generated by the system. I tried my workload password and portal password but neither worked.

Is there a more principled way of connecting via ODBC in CML or is there a way to run as root in CML?


Community Manager

@Chella @ChethanYM @mszurap Hi! Do you have any insights here? Thanks


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Hi @ipson , please see the CML docs: 

which suggests to use Impyla: 

This does not require the ODBC driver to be installed.

Cheers, Miklos


Thanks, but the reason I'm trying to establish an ODBC connection is because I'm using R.