Created 12-17-2018 03:28 PM
Hi. I am using HDP cluster with mysql 5.7. I have 3 nodes. 1 name node and 2 data nodes. I shutdown the cluster 2 days ago and all the services were up and running. But now that I have restarted it, Only data node 1 has completely started (that too after I started some of the services manually, they were aborted) and for name node and data node 2, most of the services have been aborted and I am not able to manually start them. In ambari-agent.log of the name node, I see the following error:
{"status":"OK","exitstatus":1,"log":"Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.2.v20151217-774c696): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException\nInternal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'public_host_name' at row 1\nError Code: 1406\nCall: UPDATE hosts SET total_mem = ?, public_host_name = ? WHERE (host_id = ?)\n\tbind => [3 parameters bound]\nQuery: UpdateObjectQuery(org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.HostStateEntity@d3c9268f)","id":-1}_ DEBUG 2018-12-17 12:27:07,352 - Received frame: 'MESSAGE', headers={'content-length': '533', 'destination': '/user/', 'message-id': '282adf65-3581', 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'correlationId': '0', 'subscription': 'sub'}, body='{"status":"OK","exitstatus":1,"log":"Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.2.v20151217-774c696): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException\\nInternal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column \'public_host_name\' at row 1\\nError Code: 1406\\nCall: UPDATE hosts SET total_mem = ?, public_host_name = ? WHERE (host_id = ?)\\n\\tbind => [3 parameters bound]
Now, this may seem surprising but I faced the same error while installing the HDP cluster, at step #3 (confirm hosts) but after resetting ambari server and recreating all the users and databases, it got fixed.
I am also facing the same error in HDF 3.2.0 installation at step #3
Would greatly appreciate to know the reason for this.
Created 12-17-2018 03:35 PM
Hi @Qureshi F,
It looks like your public_host_name is greater than 255 which is maxed characters allowed by ambari.
Can you do a
hostname -f
command on the host where namenode is installed and see what the response.
if it's not the hostname supposed to be please correct it and restart ambari-agent.
Hope this helps !
Created 12-19-2018 02:52 PM
Do you managed to resolve this issue.
If yes please share the analysis, accept the best answer and close this thread 🙂
Created 12-17-2018 03:42 PM
The column in question should be able to hold a hostname that is 255 characters long. Either the _hosts_ table in your database has been modified or your host name is really large.
Can you log into your Ambari database and execute
Then post the results. No data will be returned, just the table definition.
If the column type for hosts.public_host_name does not look lime the following, then someone or something has changed it and we need to get it fixed.
public_host_name VARCHAR(255),
I have to assume that your hostnames are not larger than 255 characters long.